Thursday, February 20, 2014



 And just what the hell is the difference?

I realized long ago, that a fine line does exist between what we would call an empath on the edge, (for lack of a better term), and what we would call a psychopath.

Picture this;

 an empath who doesn't realize the nature of her existence is to be the opposite of the psychopath, has been numbing her emotions so she no longer feels them.

But first, lets examine some unique and similar characteristics between the empath and the psychopath.

#1 ~ Both possess high levels of intuition.

#2 ~ Both are able to 'read people' very deeply even though only one of them is actually emotionally connecting with the other person.

#3 ~ Both are very gifted at human manipulation but only one of them has mastered this art by carrying out these acts.


So, how does the psychopath connect with people on a psychic level? I think this would involve telepathy, drawn out by asking too many stupid questions, or maybe not.

Just because the emotion-lacking psychopath can't connect with the emotions of the victim, doesn't mean he can't tell what these emotions look like and how to use them for HIS OR HER advantage..

Now lets get back to the empath on the edge, she has done her best to rid herself of the dreaded emotions that she cannot stand, she has withdrawn herself from society and is now in the exact same frame of mind as the natural born psychopath. (thought I'd add some drama, lol)

So, one more time, I ask you again; what is the difference? I have been manipulated by family members before, and just what did that person have over my head? Nothing at all. Except for being assertive. Or the lack there of.

The only way for me to stop being a victim was to start being assertive. In order for this to happen, I would have to expose my own raw emotions to myself. I would have to feel them.

This would involve embarrassment, tears and anger, (the grand finale) but as long as I would  just go with it and ride it out, it'll be okay. Anger was always put last on the list because it was the only emotion that I didn't feel all the time in myself.

In other words, DON'T BE AFRAID OF YOUR EMOTIONS!!! IT'S OKAY IF YOU CRY, OR IF YOU TREMBLE. Because the final stage is anger, that final release. The emotion empaths are not privy too. Just let go and give in to your emotions, they are powerful and will give you strength once you get past the initial shock.

We all need to unleash anger sometimes and oops, it just might be directed at someone else, but there is no better way to have control over the psychopathic, narcissistic, sociopathic douche bags in this world.

You may be still trying to find that fine line I mentioned earlier, either way, my entire point to this article is this; DO NOT LET AMERICAN SOCIETY SPOIL YOUR EMPATHIC ABILITY.

If you want to see something innocent turn to rotten, just hand it to our society. My point is this, I had to teach myself to block out bad people, I've even stopped myself from telling one person in particular EXACTLY WHO SHE TRULY WAS ON THE INSIDE, (a Moses Lake, Washington Person) because I know she couldn't have been able to handle a full dose of reality delivered by me. 

I sensed that she would have taken her own life. I even told myself I could live with that, but I have made a promise that if we are judged after death, I don't want that on my permanent record with God.



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