Interpreting Dreamtongue
Section 3: The Language Of Theta

"Mind Talk" (the Beta of Theta) occurs at the Beta level of mental language and involves the thoughts a person is having about the present environment, the people and objects interacting with the person, and the person's present activity. There are many good opportunities for telepathy at this level. This is the level where you think about calling someone, then the phone rings and it is the person you were about to call. This is the level where you know someone's location and/or what the person is doing even though you are nowhere near at the time.
This is the level of common and frequent telepathy. The signals at this level are usually fairly strong since these signals come from present activity. When someone says, "read my mind," this is the level you are trying to access. The problem is that when someone says "read my mind," they are no longer sending out Beta mental signals because they stop and focus inside themselves. Once a person starts to focus within, that person starts sending out Alpha signals instead, which can only be "sensed" instead of "read".
When it comes to mind to mind communication at this level it is better for the person to pick a color or flavor and to hold that color or flavor in mind. The point is for the target to be experiencing that color or flavor. Once the target person is experiencing a color he or she will then be sending out a Beta signal of mental language. The signal is still not as strong as it would be during engagement in actual Beta activity.
"Reading Feelings" (the Alpha of Theta) occurs at the Alpha level of mental language, which involves the conscious thoughts a person is having about their own emotional feeling states. The more people are aware of their own emotional states the more control they may have over those states and the more integrated those states can be with their whole being.
I wanted to avoid the cliché here, but I cannot -- the more in touch people are with their own feelings, the more likely it is that the signals they send you about their emotional state is deliberate. This is not an absolute rule but rather a guideline. At the Alpha level of mental language you are more likely to pick up the emotional states of which the person is unaware and would not want for you to perceive.
In other words, if a person is deliberately sending you a signal about their emotional state, it may be a controlled or contrived message. For example, let's say you encounter someone who is hostile or competitive with you. For whatever reason that person does not want you to know about these feelings, so he or she deliberately projects signals of a calm, friendly, and pleasant nature. The signals being sent you are not the Alpha signals of mental language, instead they are contrived Beta signals. As an Empath you can sense that the signals are incongruent, or do not fit, with what you are sensing. What you are sensing are the actual Alpha signals of the person's mental language.
When people are unaware of a strong emotion they tend to send out Alpha signals of their mental language in obvious and empathic ways. If a person shows genuine interest in something you are doing, not only would that generate obvious signals but the thoughts the individual had about his or her own emotional state would generate Alpha signals of mental language. Someone could be thinking, "I really like this. It is very interesting," and in return, you get the mirrored telepathic response, "They really like this. They find it very interesting."
"The Direct Connection" (the Theta of Theta) is the level of direct telepathy, the Theta level of mental language. This is the level of mind to mind connection, or as I said earlier, nervous system to nervous system connection. This level involves the thoughts a person generates at any given time. This is the level where you are directly receiving the thoughts of the other person. How you encode and interpret those signals will be unique to you.
Often at this level, Dreamtongue occurs as thoughts in your own head. The person may start thinking about a musical seen the week before. Suddenly you start thinking about musicals too, but you may not think about the exact one. This could lead you to say something like, "Do you like musicals?" He or she could then say, "That's funny, I was just thinking about a musical I saw last week."
How many times has something like this happened to you? Thousands of people have shared these types of experiences with me over the years. This type of telepathy occurs all the time with people but often goes unrecognized.
"Visual Thoughts" (the Delta of Theta) occur at the Delta level of mental language. The empathic messages here involve what people are thinking about the things they are seeing. The signals do not directly involve the actual images themselves but instead involve the active thoughts the person is having. For example," It looks like a light is on in the house," or "This gift looks like a book." The word look does not have to be in the thought, it could be "There's that bag of pretzels I've been wanting." Sometimes telepathy at this level involves verbal descriptions of visual images, like the example of the person thinking about a giraffe while connecting to her friend at the zoo.
"Spiritual Questing" (the Gamma of Theta) is reflected in the Gamma level of mental language. This level of reading a person empathically involves perceiving the individual's thoughts around the meaning of life, philosophical questions, and spiritual understanding. Many of these thoughts are "unspoken" or unformed into clear thoughts.
Often if you pick up a Gamma signal of mental language it will occur to you as a question that the person has on a deep level. This type of signal normally comes by focusing and spending more time with the person, such as in a formal empathic reading. In classes where I teach empathic counseling, I emphasize this level because it reaches into the heart of what a person is really asking during a reading.
As you learn more about your own Gamma level, you will find your ability to reach the Gamma level of another person will improve tremendously.
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