Monday, February 3, 2014

Stage 6 ~ The Looking Ahead Delta (L.A.D.)Exercise

To get a sense of how you visualize, do the following simple exercise.
First close your eyes and imagine that you are at home in your bedroom (unless you really are in your bedroom, in that case choose another equally familiar room). Then try to picture the room: try to see the bed, the furniture, any wall hangings, etc. You may have more response to picturing familiar objects like those in your bedroom. They are not really like actual photographs with vivid color and sharpness, are they? Visualize yourself moving around the room observing colors, shapes, objects, etc.
Do this for about five minutes then open your eyes again. Notice the quality of these "images." They tend to be only remotely visual. You are not using your eyes to see these images; you are using memory and imagination to create images. If you have ever daydreamed or let your mind "wander" off to distant thoughts, then you were visualizing. The very process of thinking is a form of visualizing. You are thinking and visualizing all the time. By focusing your thoughts into one area you can bring a visualized picture into your mind.
The good news is that the practice of empathic breathing will also enhance your ability to visualize. As you do your breathing sessions you will notice images coming and going within your mind. As you progress in your training these images will become clearer and more abundant. Part of this involves learning to relax. The more relaxed you become the easier it is to visualize. When you are tense and breathing shallow it is more difficult to visualize.
The other good news is that your empathic totem is ready and waiting to improve your visualization skills! As you do your empathic breathing exercise, begin to incorporate your totem into the practice. You have probably done this already. As you are counting your breaths you can picture your totem in your mind. Do not try to force the image of your totem, just be aware of your totem and let any images of it appear. Record these experiences in your Dreamtongue journal.
You can also "talk" an image. You may receive a Delta message about a specific place; let's say a zoo. Someone wants you to meet him or her at the zoo but they cannot reach you by phone. At the Delta level you get a mental picture of the zoo but you do not see the image in your mind. You may notice this message at the Beta level through a body signal, or at the Alpha level with a general feelings, or at the Theta level with thoughts and symbols.
The thoughts at the Theta level may be of animals or of an animal. You might start thinking about giraffes for no apparent reason. You are in the grocery store looking at broccoli when suddenly the thought of a giraffe occurs to you. You ask yourself, "Why am I thinking about a giraffe?" The picture of a giraffe may not be in your mind but the thought or word is there.
In thinking about an image you are talking the image, which often leads to the picture itself. At that point a picture of your friend standing at the zoo gate could form. From there associations may follow where you connect with the idea of the zoo and eventually the person.
The most memorable experience I have had with Delta overlaps with another empathic talent called " astral traveling," or "out of body experience" (O.B.E.) It is debatable whether or not we actually leave our bodies to travel around or whether we are "seeing clearly" another place. It is at the Delta level that such experiences take place. I have had numerous out of body experiences of different qualities.
One of the most powerful Delta visions I have ever had occurred after the death of my grandmother. It happened after I had moved to another state and had not seen her in a long time. She had made a tremendous impression on me as a child and I felt very close to her. She had gone to bed and quietly drifted away in her sleep. It was just the way she had always said that she wanted to go.
When I got the news I went and sat on the couch. I thought that I was going to be hit by a wave of grief but instead, something very different happened. I closed my eyes and at the same time it was like I was opening my eyes somewhere else. As my outer eyes closed, my inner eyes opened. I was looking directly within her house over a thousand miles away. In this instance, the vision was sharp and three-dimensional. It was as if I was physically in her kitchen. I could see every aspect of the kitchen, the table and chairs, the floor, and even small plants in her windowsill. I could move through the vision. I looked into her living room and throughout the house. The remarkable clarity and lifelike quality of the image remained intact as I examined her entire house.
There was another level to this experience, though. It is more related to Gamma, the next stage of your training. While I was looking all through her house I could here her voice talking to me. I could not see her anywhere but I could hear her in every room. My visual movement through the house was like I was trying to find her. She kept talking to me the entire time. Then, after I had gone through the house, I opened my outer eyes and was back on the couch. I could not remember anything that she said during the vision, for it was like another language, but I was filled with an incredible sense of peaceful calm. I never did feel any sadness about her death after that. Whatever it was that she had told me helped me to understand and accept where she now was.
That was an example of my most vivid Delta experience. A more common example might deal with finding a lost object or "looking ahead" to see if someone is at home or not. A good way to practice Delta skills on a daily basis is by the "looking ahead" method.

The Looking Ahead Delta (L.A.D.)Exercise

Athletes do laps, Empaths do LAD's. The purpose of this exercise is twofold. First, the Looking Ahead Delta exercise helps you begin to develop your visualization skills in a practical manner. Second, the L.A.D. exercise trains your Delta level to work with your conscious Beta level. This is the pulling the rope to bring up your inner empathic from the depths. This is an exercise that you can do throughout your day without taking out any more time from your schedule.
A L.A.D. consists of visualizing something before it happens or before you know about it. For example, before you check your mailbox, visualize what is inside.
Other types of L.A.D. possibilities:
  • Before you open a package visualize what is inside.
  • Before you enter a room, visualize who and/or what is inside.
  • Before calling someone, visualize what he or she is doing.
  • Before taking a walk, visualize what you might see.
Do this two to three times a day or as often as you like. Do it in ways that are comfortable and convenient for you. Do not push it or become too concerned with it. This is an exercise that needs to be fun and relaxed. Straining too hard to do a L.A.D. exercise works to the opposite effect, by closing off the Delta channel. When you first start you will have to remind yourself to practice. Eventually it will become second nature, where you will form mental pictures ahead of an event.
Here is the key to this exercise: in the same way that Alpha Associating is practiced without concern over empathic content, L.A.D.'s are performed without concern about empathic images. The purpose of the exercise is to train your Delta awareness to become a conscious function. In time the strength you develop in your Delta level will be useful for remote viewing.
It is the same as in weight lifting. After you lift weights you do not instantly get the full desired physique. After steady work for a length of time you end up with the body you wanted. When you are doing a L.A.D. exercise you do not become instantly clairvoyant, but in time your capacity for clairvoyant imagery increases. Some of your L.A.D. results will have empathic content, that's fine as long as you understand that when there is no empathic content the L.A.D. is still good.
The sixth stage of preliminary empath training is the final stage involving normal empathic functioning. By normal empathic functioning I am referring to the general abilities I have talked about so far: empathic sensing, telepathy, and clairvoyance.
There is still another stage but the next stage, Gamma, involves the extraordinary aspects of the empathic world. Some Empaths may want to work only with the first four levels of Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta. This is a personal choice. You can focus your development as an empath on any one level or combined levels.
The full nature of Dreamtongue, though, comes from the deepest empathic level of Gamma. If you are interested in developing the full set of empathic letters and learning the art of the empathic language, then you will begin here, in stage six, to work with "co-patterning."

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