Stage Seven
Discovering Your Power
In the last stage you learned direct ways to tap into your inner vision and about the experience of co-patterning. Once co-patterning is complete your waking mind and your empathic mind will be one and the same. Little is required at the point in order to access empathic information.If you have read chapter six and have started the L.A.D. exercises, then you are ready to move into stage seven of your empath training. Stage seven introduces you to Gamma the fifth and final letter of the empathic alphabet. In the advanced stages of your training you will learn how to translate the English alphabet by using empathic language, revealing the "Dreamtongue" level of written and spoken language.
A discussion on Gamma can either be made out to be very complex or very simple. The world is fully of complex "gamma books." The purpose of this chapter is to make Gamma very simple and accessible.
The problem with going farther than Delta is that we have run out of brain waves. Delta waves cycle between 1 to 4 per second, so going past Delta seems impossible. In fact, everything about Gamma seems impossible. Yet Gamma experiences occur. Gamma is not related to a specific brain wave pattern, for it is the combination of all brain wave patterns.
Gamma is consciousness as an energy field, a whole unit of interconnected functions. Understanding the "field effect" is a vital turning point in your development. Grasping the implications of the field effect can take you out of the realm of "superstitious thinking" into a rational and grounded appreciation for empathic functioning. This is an important step in our progress as Empaths.
In some older traditions Gamma has been called "the aura," where others have called it the "L-field." It is not limited to your head area or to your psyche. The best image of Gamma is suggested by the Tattwa akasa as a basically oval light surrounding your entire body. (Representing the field effect itself).
Gamma is the source of consciousness combined with the overall effect of consciousness. It is the source of the other levels of empathic communication in Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta. As the source of consciousness Gamma could be called the "spirit."
So, as you might guess, as we move into the Gamma level we are moving into metaphysical territory. At the Gamma level we enter the world of metaphysical and spiritual speculation, something that is best communicated through Dreamtongue, through symbols, myths, archetypes, ideas, and associations.
Gamma events are the result of the ultimate nature of all things, whatever that may be. Gamma is representative of that "one step beyond our ability to perceive or comprehend." Gamma events are more difficult to explain because they occur outside of our understanding of reality. Gamma events are precognition: empathic messages about future events; retrocognition: empathic messages about past events; communication with other levels of consciousness or beings as they might be called.
At the Gamma level issues of life after death, communication with the deceased, channeling, reincarnation, and the nature of reality all come into play. As I mentioned before, some empaths prefer to work at just the normal empathic levels and do not necessarily go as far as the Gamma level. Gamma is more difficult to work with because it is indefinable, yet at the same time, it is easier to work with because all things are an expression of it.
There is a great paradox at this level; involving the mind trying to know or perceive past its own limits. The results of the paradox, unfortunately, are an endless amount of speculation, fantasy, and wishful thinking. What is "true" or "truth" remains to be seen. That does not mean that we should overlook or avoid the Gamma level. It just means that we should be more vigilant and grounded when it comes to investigating Gamma experience.
Conventional use of language fails to express the complete nature of the Gamma level. "What" Gamma is communicates through Dreamtongue, as a holographic language that conveys much more information through symbology than what is available through literal use of words and ideas.
At the Gamma level Dreamtongue occurs in its full expressive form. Communication and information are available through creative and archetypal imagery. In the next chapter you will learn the art of empathic language as it occurs on the Gamma level, using the full empathic alphabet. For now, your focus is on understanding Gamma as the fifth empathic letter and the fifth level of empathic functioning.
One of the misconceptions that people have about any kind of "psychic functioning" is that it mostly means the ability to tell the future. From this belief, many people who try to develop their empathic natures spend a lot of time focusing on predicting the future in some form. Precognitions do occur but the strength of empathic ability rests in the day to day connections of telepathy, alpha associating, and remote viewing.
The idea that we can predict the future is fraught with many problems. If we can predict the future does that mean, then, that the future is already set? Does learning about future events change future events? If so, then what is the value of learning future events? The idea of seeing into the future presents an unsolvable puzzle to the human mind. It does not fit into any understanding of reality as we know it. Yet it happens.
In my work as a empathic consultant over many years, I have had incredible moments of pinpointing future events for people. The events would happen and everyone would be amazed, including me. Other times I could not tell a person their name if I were looking at their driver's license.
Information about the future comes from a place inside that cannot be directly manipulated. It is extremely easy for us to fool ourselves. The laws of chance alone make guessing accurate at least half the time. All too often what appears to be an accurate prediction of the future is really the result of guessing, logical, and critical thinking, imagination, and the desire to believe.
Now, having said that, there are awesome moments when images and information about the future actually do come through the empathic mind. Let's just be as realistic about it as we possibly can.
The most common forms of precognition come through dreams. Have you ever had a dream that came true? Many, many times I have had dreams of people, places, and events, a year or two before I ever knew the people or the places. It creates an odd feeling when you walk into a place and meet a person you dreamed about two years before. This feeling has been called deja-vu. I believe that most deja-vu experience comes from empathic dreams that eventually become reality.
Precognition as a empathic ability often occurs spontaneously and without warning. This type of Gamma information suddenly appears in the mind through feelings, impressions, thoughts, or images. Gamma messages can interact with any of the other levels since Gamma is the source place of the levels. The most direct form of precognition is the spontaneous kind, for it usually relates to information that is needed in the moment.
People have tried for centuries, if not millennia, to manipulate precognition. Divination is an art form that has evolved for the purpose of manipulating precognition. The tools of divination help the empath focus their empathic impressions and empathic intent. The common tools of divination include tarot cards, scrying tools, numbers, runes, I-Ching, and yes, even tea leaves.
It does not matter what the tools are for all your empathic mind needs is a place to focus. The use of a visual object to gain empathic information from Gamma is a Beta function. Therefore the use of tools can establish a channel between the Beta and the Gamma levels.
Another form of precognition is the premonition. A premonition is more like a "sense" of something about to occur. People who fly the same airline or airplane all the time are often the ones who decided not to take the flight the day of an accident; because it did not feel right for some reason. A premonition is a Gamma message about a future event that is felt at the Alpha level through a sense or impression.
The other end of Gamma abilities deals with retrocognition, or empathic information about the past. Retrocognition is what you hear about when an empathic is working on solving a crime with the police. Information and impressions are pieced together to track a killer or to just determine what happened. This information can come through any of the channels but is often accessed through Theta and Delta. In retrocognition you can access Gamma information about the past, information that will come to you as thoughts and images.
So you see, Gamma interacts with all the empathic levels. Gamma is the power source to the other levels. Working with Gamma strengthens Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta functions. To work with Gamma is to develop your power source as an empath and is easy to initiate. To begin working with Gamma only requires that you select a tool or tools that you will use to focus your empathic intent.
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