Co-patterning is a word that I coined to refer specifically to a deep level of empathic development in Empaths. It resulted from intensive work with groups of students who were interested in profound levels of change and personal transformation. It took several years to really understand what it was and how it works. The simplest explanation for co-patterning is: the process of awakening the sleeping empathic within and merging it with your conscious mind.To break down the definition into Dreamtongue components:
co-patterning is the process of awakening (making conscious) the sleeping empath (Delta level) within and merging it with your conscious mind (Beta).
Your sleeping empath within is really just a dormant or remote part of yourself. It is not actually separate or different from the rest of you. It is a potential that you carry and can realize by developing skills related to that potential. The elusive nature of empathic phenomenon is due in part to the dormant or undeveloped side of empathic potentials. There are times when the Sun and the Moon can be seen in the sky together but it is not very often.
As you grow as an empath, your conscious mind and your empathic mind gradually synthesize. This affects your personality, your behavior, and your perception of the world. Many of you who read this already know yourself as an empath. Others sense their empathic nature and want to awaken it.
There are unique challenges to being an empath. There are no institutions or traditions set up to support and guide Empaths. There have been no schools or guidelines developed to help Empaths deal with their unique relationship to the world and society before now.
I established the School of Empath Psychology back in 1997 to form some sort of foundation for future Empath research and development. This is the work that I am undertaking by sharing Dreamtongue.
Dreamtongue is the language of transformation and inter-connectedness. It does not have to be referred to as "dreamtongue", that is only a creative label. It is "holographic language." As your empathic mind melds with your waking mind, you begin a personal transformation, I call that transformation co-patterning.
Co-patterning can begin spontaneously or through training. An intense emotional experience may initiate the co-patterning process. A symbolic or spiritual experience may also initiate co-patterning. Anyone who is aware of their own deeper empathic nature as they move through the day-to-day world has started the co-patterning process.
Empath training helps you get a handle on the process of empathic transformation. It provides a structure within which to grow and emerge as an actualized empath. The combined elements of empath training also initiate co-patterning. I will restate this as:
Empath Training
- By beginning to observe the world with greater awareness (of yourself & others),- Combined with practicing Alpha Associating,
- Combined with practicing empathic breathing,
-Combined with the use of a empathic totem,
- Combined with Look Ahead Delta Exercises,
- And recording your training experiences & observations in an Empaths journal,
- You can initiate the co-patterning process yourself.
There are endless topics and areas of empathic development. All of them are interesting and useful, but I have found that concentrating on the Empaths training is the most powerful and direct way to tap into your empathic potential.

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