Selecting a Gamma Tool
A Gamma tool is one that is used in divination. Divination is the artful way of processing empathic information. Again, traditional tools of divination are the Tarot cards, runes, numbers, tea leaves, crystal balls, a bowl of water, yarrow sticks for I-Ching, regular playing cards, and so on. No one tool is better than the other except that a specific tool will work better for one individual than for another.I encourage you to take your time with this stage, to have fun, and to be very creative. Selecting a Gamma tool requires some experimentation. Trying different tools until you connect with just the right one. You may select more than one, but there will always be one that is more powerful for you. Ultimately you will not need tools to process empathic information but they can be an asset in the early stages of your development.
Before selecting a tool be sure to consider the following information. The traditional tools were created by people who were connected to their own Gamma level, their own personal power. The best tools are the ones you develop yourself or the ones that you use in your own personal way. That is why there are so many cards and systems available today.
There is an empathic renaissance occurring. People are realizing the creative force behind empathic and spiritual methodology. If you do choose a traditional tool, then be flexible and realize that it will eventually have to be shaped to fit your own inner nature. The books and the guidelines will help you get started but the true guidance comes from within. That is the whole point.
To develop your Gamma power source:
1. Select one tool. (You may add more later, but the goal is to focus!) The tool may be traditional or one you develop yourself. I will describe how to develop one yourself shortly.2. The tool needs to be a physical object. If your tool is a "spirit guide" or an empathic totem then create or acquire a physical object that represents your connection to the guide. This can be a piece of jewelry, a picture, a symbolic object, etc.
3. If the tool is jewelry then take exceptional care of that jewelry. Keep it on your person at all times. When you want to access empathic information touch or gaze at the object. If the tool is a set of cards or other traditional objects then make a special place to keep and preserve them. How you treat the tool forms an "aura" of expectation and preservation of energy.
4. If you use a box or area to store your Gamma tools, be sure to include an image of your empathic totem on or in the area. We are working with the "art of intent" here, not superstitious thinking. For example, let's say your empathic totem is a hawk and your choice of tools is a set of Tarot cards. You can build or acquire a wooden box to store the cards. You could carve or burn the image of a hawk into the lid of the box. This way you have connected your Gamma tools with your empathic totem. The goal is to have all levels interact.
5. The use of tools establishes a Beta presence for your empathic nature. You can extend this presence in different ways. Your object or the container of your object can be anointed with a scent that you associate with your own empathic nature. The choice of an oil or scent should be made empathically by listening to Dreamtongue: through a Beta, Alpha, Theta, or Delta message. Any colors associated with your tools can be chosen in the same way. The more associations you form to your tools the stronger your connection to your power source.
6. If you find yourself using a tool and you are not feeling connected to it, then change. Do not become burdened with trying to make it work. Your empathic nature is already present; it simply needs a means to express. Listen to your inner empathic, it will guide you.
7. Change and evolve your tools over time. Do not worry about jumping around from one thing to another. You will find yourself always coming back to the thing that empowers you the most. The process of being drawn back to something is a very powerful Gamma confirmation.
8. Be sure to include your observations and developing relationship with your tools in your Dreamtongue journal.
Creating Your Own Gamma Tool
The creation of new Gamma tools is very prevalent today. You can find countless versions of Tarot cards, empathic reading cards, and spiritual guidance cards. There are many systems of divination available to you right now. Any one of them may be your Gamma connection. You can also be the creator of one. As an empath you only need a place to focus your attention. Once focused you can listen the language of Dreamtongue.To create your own tool or tools first decide what kind of method you want to use. There are two types of method in divination:
- the "drawing method"-- where empathic information appears to be drawn from a source, and
- the "projective method" - where empathic information is projected onto images and patterns.
The projective method is also done by something called, "scrying," which involves gazing into a translucent substance like water or a crystal ball. By focusing your attention into a bowl or pool of water you can project Delta images to gain information. To use the projective method simply requires that you have something visual on which to focus. The rules, guidelines, and things that you use to establish your focus are completely up to you.
There is no secret formula needed in order for them to work. Your own empathic nature is what works; the tools are just the means to an end. You could grab a clump of dirt and throw it on the sidewalk, then look for patterns in the dirt. It is your empathic mind which organizes the interpretations you get. So be creative and be adventurous.
The drawing method can be done in many ways. For example, you may select a necklace as your Gamma tool. Let's say it is an ankh. You might rub this ankh with patchouli oil once a week, because the scent of patchouli is compatible with your empathic nature. When you smell the patchouli you are reminded of your growth as an empath.
To use the drawing method you would train yourself to touch the ankh in a specific way, such as holding it between the thumb and index finger with your left hand. You associate this act with drawing empathic information into your awareness, so that each time you do this you access one or more levels of Dreamtongue.
The selection of an object and the ritual you design to access it is completely determined by you. The important thing to remember is to decide in advance how you are going to use it so that you are clear enough to focus when you need to. Be creative and be flexible. Let the process grow and shape itself through experience.
There is one last practice to put into place. The practice of empowering your Gamma tools. This is really self-empowerment with the tools as the focal point.
Empowering Your Gamma Tools
The last piece to put into place involves connecting with the world around you. As an empath it is vital that you connect with the Earth, the natural rhythms and cycles that are occurring around you.If you are in the house, in the car, at work all the time, then you can lose your connection to the pulse of life around you. To empower your Gamma connection requires that you find a specific activity in order to connect with the Earth in your own personal way. Consider the following guidelines.
1. Select a place outdoors that is special to you in some way. Listen to the Dreamtongue messages you get while selecting an area. Listen to how your body responds, to the feelings you get, the impressions that come to mind, the images that appear. You probably already have such a place in mind; it is a place where you need to go from time to time.
2. It does not matter if this is a public or private place, as much as it matters how you feel and respond to it. It can be a park, a beach, a backyard, a courtyard, a tree, a river, a stream, a pond, a path, a garden. It can be anything as long as it feels right to you and you can associate connecting to the Earth through the place.
3. Make a point to visit this place at least once a week. There are no rules for how often you do this; it is just that you maintain the connection. Sometimes you will need to go there more often and other times less often. There will be times when weather affects your access to the place. The place itself will go through cycles and growth, which will be a part of your process. If your place is a park that gets bulldozed down for a parking lot then your growth will involve transferring the energy of that spot to a new place.
4. Take your Gamma tool(s) with you when you go to the place. You may design a ritual (process) for your empowerment time. You may just sit in contemplation. Your time may involve walking or creating or whatever. You must guide and determine these things for yourself. This inner guidance is the power of the empath that you need to develop.
5. Record each time you visit your power source in your empaths journal. Some may use the time at the power source for journal writing. You may find yourself writing more directly in Dreamtongue (from the empathic level) by doing this.
6. Always go alone to this place. This maintains the focus and the concentration behind your development. You might desire to share this spot with a special person but I encourage you to keep this practice intact. Of course, the only really guiding principle comes from within you and all choices rest with you. You may find other places that are better for sharing with others.
You now have all five of the letters of the empathic alphabet:
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Normal literal language conveys very little information compared to Dreamtongue. By beginning to understand the five empathic letters you are seeing how a symbol can represent so much more information than a word, as well as how a word can be a symbol. This understanding of how a symbol can convey more information than a literal word is the beginning of your knowledge of Dreamtongue. It is the language of an empath. It is a key to levels of information not available to your primary senses.
When you have selected a Gamma tool or tools, and have begun the practice of empowering yourself and those tools, you have completed stage seven of your training as an empath. You are now ready to begin working with the art of empathic language.
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