Stage Six
Developing the Eyes of an Empath

These four elements combined are shaping and feeding your empathic nature, preparing you to function as an actualized or bonded Empath. By the time you reach stage eight you will be speaking and interpreting Dreamtongue and will begin the experience of "co-patterning," where your inner empath melds with your waking mind, synthesizing a new and emerging self, a psychic "rebirth" as an empath.
This process is equal to an infant growing into a toddler by learning to walk. Your empathic nature is like a dormant developmental stage that requires for you to take tiny steps first, and then in time learn walking. In the same way that you learned how to talk in small stages, learning more about the world as you learned more words and became more capable of interacting with the people around you.
You are now learning Dreamtongue where you will become more capable of interacting with the empathic level of the world, where an entire new universe will become available to you.
In Lesson Five you learned about the Theta level and about telepathy. You learned about empathic breathing and about empathic totems, both powerful tools for strengthening and enhancing the connection with your inner empath.
In Stage Six of your training that connection is very important. I highly recommended getting fully comfortable with all prior lessons before you start to work with Lesson Six. You are going to use that connection like a rope to pull your inner empath up from the depths of your unconscious into your waking mind.
First you are going to use that rope, that connection, to travel down into the deepest empathic sense, Delta, and then you are going to use that connection to bring Delta awareness up and into your Beta state. This is a process I call "co-patterning." You will learn about "co-patterning" by reading this chapter but it is not an experience that occurs automatically. It is something that you can trigger, and it is something that happens naturally in stages and when you are ready for it.

Delta is the deepest level of measurable consciousness. You generate Delta brainwaves, which cycle between 1 to 4 per second, when you are in a deep profound sleep. It is also possible to enter a pure Delta state through profound states of meditation and deep states of trance. If your consciousness were an ocean then Delta would be the current just above the ocean floor.
Delta is the core of Theta, it is the "place" of the sleeping empath. The circle of Delta is like an egg or a seed containing the fullness of your empathic nature. Delta is what is nurtured by the practice of empathic breathing and the use of an empathic totem. Through empath training you fertilize and gestate Delta, like an egg to be hatched. In time the egg opens and the inner empathic emerges within you and begins to grow within you like a fresh new life.
Delta is the fourth letter of the empathic alphabet and the fourth level of empathic functioning. At the Delta level empathic information is processed through inner vision by what was traditionally called, "clairvoyance," which means clear seeing.
Now this inner vision is often referred to as "remote viewing." It is the ability to see images within your mind without the benefit of your eyes. All functions of visualization and the use of imagery originate in Delta.
In Theta images drawn from the Delta level are used symbolically. For example the symbolic image of a tree may emerge as an empathic impression. The tree may represent the overall life of a person. If the tree is full of leaves and fruit, the empathic impression would be one of abundance, prosperity, health, and happiness. If the tree is bare it may indicate lack or unhappiness. It would depend on the associations you make while you focus on the image of the tree. If you see one of the branches breaking off the tree it could mean that someone or something is leaving, or a loss of some sort. The imagery of Theta is typically symbolic in this way.
In Delta the function of "remote viewing" involves more of an actual perception of images. A Delta message of a tree would be the image of an actual tree somewhere. A Theta message of a tree would be the symbolic use of the image. How do you tell the two apart? The answer is: by intent. The image of a tree originates in Delta because all imagery originates in Delta.
Delta images are either fashioned by imagination, memory, or by remote viewing. How you use the imagery is up to you. If you decide in your mind to use an image as a symbolic focus for empathic information, then that image will respond to your attention in a symbolic way. It is, after all, your mind and your thoughts.
All the images of inner vision are technically symbolic since they do not originate with the eyes directly. If your intent is to see a person or place through remote viewing, then that intent will guide the process. For the most part, symbolic and actual imagery overlap since the empathic mind works with gestalts, or holograms.
Over the years many students have come to me complaining that they are not very good at visualizing. Some say that they cannot visualize at all or that they never "see" any empathic images. If you feel that visualizing is a problem for you or you just want to improve your ability to visualize, then some basic information and practice offered in stage six will help.
First of all, visualizing occurs in degrees. Just thinking about an object is a form of visualizing. Right now, as you read this, think of a red delicious apple. Just by reading the words "red delicious apple" you immediately start to form impressions. Even if you did not immediately see the red apple in your mind, you at least started thinking about it.
Now try to picture the apple, not just the shiny red outside, but imagine yourself biting into the apple. Think about the crisp texture, the sweet flavor, and the delicious juice. Think about the contrast between the shiny red peel on the outside and the white crispy wetness inside. Think about the soft wafting scent of the apple.
Which of any of these images did you respond to the most? If you responded to any or all of them then you have been visualizing. Still, I understand that it is the act of forming the actual "picture" of the object where some people have their greatest struggle with visualizing.
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