Stage Eight
Interpreting Dreamtongue
(Note: due to the length of this lesson it will be presented in five sections)SECTION 1:
In stage seven all the pieces of your empath training were set into place. You learned about Gamma, the source of empathic information and ways to empower that source. At this stage you will have chosen a tool or set of tools to work with your empathic source and will have begun the practice of empowering your tools.You are now ready to learn the basics of interpreting and working with the empathic language of Dreamtongue;.to learn how the letters of the empathic Alphabet fit together to form words, images, and messages.
This lesson will be like a spelling primer, introducing you to pieces of the empathic language that you can use to learn the larger forms of expression; think of it as an "empathic dictionary." You can learn this primer by first focusing on the areas that are of interest to you. In time you can learn the other areas for greater expansion of your abilities.
The language of Dreamtongue, by any name, is spoken by all living things. At the nuclear level of the atom, all things can be considered to have life. Dreamtongue is the interconnected communications between all things.
You are more likely to be aware of the empathic language between people, but it occurs between animals, plants, and insects as well. Dreamtongue occurs through all of nature, for mother Earth herself is a living thing. The Earth speaks to you through Dreamtongue. As your understanding of this greater meta-communication process increases, so too will your empathic abilities.
Since Dreamtongue is the all pervasive language of existence there is no end to the possible uses and formats available to an Empath. As a student of Dreamtongue you have stepped into a wonderful world of limitless possibilities. To guide you in your learning of the empathic language I have chosen one area to focus the lesson. I will focus on the interactions between people. After learning about interactions your journey will have just begun as you explore Dreamtongue communication with animals, plants, and beyond.
In the same way that you can fit into a new culture or country by learning the language, the learning of Dreamtongue will help you become a citizen of a larger empathic world with vast amounts of new information. Your challenge as a budding Empath will be to learn how you can use that information and how that information impacts your life. To deal with those challenges I encourage you to work with an "Empath's Circle," described in the next lesson.
Interpreting the Empathic Language of Another Person
The five levels of Dreamtongue, indicated by the five empathic letters, apply to every aspect of communication.The following symbol composite represents every person you encounter:


is the emotional and psychological state, the person's overall comfort level, the individual's orientation to an experience, the associations the individual is making, and the general mood that is being conveyed.

is the individuality, what is unique about the individual mentally/intellectually, the specific personality, the individual's experience in life, the education, and memories, the thoughts and ways of thinking, and the types of imagery the individual uses to communicate (including the types of words most commonly used by that person).

is what shapes the personality, it is the contextual world view of the individual, the individual's perception of things, it is to a larger extent the unconscious which is filled with imagery from all levels. It is the own empathic awareness of that person whether conscious or unconscious. Delta is the type of "pictures" someone paints with their overall communication.

Everything you can understand about the five empathic levels as related to yourself also applies to other people. As an empath you will use your understanding of yourself to understand others. What you know about yourself, you know about everyone else.
Each level of empathic language has five levels of expression. For example, the Beta level of body language has five levels of expression:
Beta Language
1. "Actions Speak Louder Than Words" (the Beta of Beta) describes the Beta level of body language -- the level where your body speaks for itself. The Beta level of body language comes from how you are using your body. A person doing aerobics uses his or her body to exercise. To figure out what the Beta level of a persons body language simply answer this question, " What is it they are using their body to do?" Once you know that, you know how the empathic energy is being utilized on the physical level.Empathic energy is always present and is always in use: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Observation of action is the first pathway to empathic perception. Inexperienced Empaths like to debate over this point by saying, "the whole thing that makes me an 'empath' is that I can perceive things that are not visible."
To advance in your abilities you must understand that all perception/communication exists on a continuum. Beta represents the "outermost" extent of the continuum and Gamma represents the innermost extent of the continuum. Your ability to move from one end of the continuum to another represents the level of mastery you have developed over your own empathic functioning.
When you combined observation of action/body language with observation of intuition you amplify your perception many times over. True empathic functioning does not solely rely upon extra-sensory perception. Instead it relies on heightened degrees of sensitivity and awareness. Heightened sensitivity and awareness act as a greater conduit to intuition. It is critical to grasp this principle before proceeding in the lesson.
2. "Acting How You Feel"-- (the Alpha of Beta) indicates how emotional states reflect in your body behaviors. On this level your body acts as a empathic mirror. Your form follows your thoughts. When you are sad you slump and when you are excited you stand up straight.
Most people show what they are feeling by their expressions and by the way they are holding their bodies. Some people are expert at hiding their feelings (except from us Empaths, right?). To know the Alpha level of a person's body language answer this question, "What emotional state is the person projecting through their posture, movement, and expression?"
Now, keep in mind, as we go through this list, we are going deeper and deeper into the person. If you are doing consultations this is an excellent map to follow.
3. "Acting Out Your Thoughts" (the Theta of Beta) sums up the Theta level of body language - when your body reflects your thoughts. I refer to you when describing these levels because you must keep in mind that you do all the same things that other people do. Use your self to study these levels. Observe your own behavior and you will learn a lot about other people.
When you gesture to express your ideas or experiences you are using Theta body language. For example, hand movements to show the width or height of something. A person who gestures a great deal with their hands while talking is likely to be a person who is very connected in some way to the Theta level. This type of person is frequently very intuitive.
To pinpoint the Theta level of a person's body language answer the following question, "How is this person using body to communicate thought?" Some people use their bodies in a very minimal way to express their thoughts. This kind of behavior can indicate a person who is very guarded and possibly fearful, although there are other possibilities to consider. Once you pinpoint the Theta level, or any level for that matter, you empathically connect with that level.
4. "The Freudian Slip On A Banana Peel" (the Delta of Beta) happens at the Delta level of body language and occurs through unconscious body signs. For example, you may be standing farther back from someone you do not like or trust, or standing close and leaning in towards someone you are very interested in, without being aware of it. If this behavior is intentional, then it comes from the Alpha level with a desire to communicate a feeling. When you are not aware of the body language you are expressing, the unconscious level of Delta is at work.
This type of body language indicates when a person is most open to empathic probing and communication. It takes tact and skill to work with this level of communication. Intuition regarding Delta body language can form profound empathic links for an Empath performing a "empathic reading." To assess the Delta level of a person's body language, ask a test question. You form the test question by your impressions and intuition. First determine what your impression is about the person's behavior.
For example, if you have the impression that the person is uncomfortable, ask, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?" If the subject is surprised and denies feeling uncomfortable (yet you keep getting the impression that he or she is definitely uneasy), chances are real high that you have tapped into the Delta level of the body language.
A word of advice -- be sensitive to what test questions you ask. If someone is revealing something very awkward to you by body language, don't just pull the rug out from under them. An empathetic and supportive approach is a critical empathic skill. I have been shocked and dismayed by individuals who claim to be "Empaths" yet display little to no empathy.
5. "Aura Reading" pertains to the (the Gamma of Beta) Gamma level of body language, how holographic or spiritual information is conveyed through your body movements and states. It is truly amazing to realize just how much communication is going on at any given point in time! Being an Empath means being aware of this communication and acting upon that awareness.
The truth of Dreamtongue is that everything is communication! Period. An Empath is a person who trains to understand, read, and use this universe of communication. Since the Gamma level expresses through all the other levels, all expressions through the body relate to the Gamma level of body language. You can single out the Gamma level by considering the aura, the overall energy impression of the person. It is the gestalt, or combination of all factors.
Think of Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta as puzzle pieces. When you put them all together you get the Gamma. Gamma expressed through Beta specifically relates to the energy states of expansion versus contraction, relaxation versus tension, withdrawn versus open; all perceptible through Beta.
Your ability to read Beta body language develops by simply observing human behavior. Specifically noticing body posture, gestures, movement, and spatial relationships trains your empathic awareness to read Beta language. As you add Alpha to your repertoire, you will begin to notice the feelings or responses you have to what you are observing.
Reading the aura can start with your eyes (Beta) and reach into deeper levels of information. All living things have an energy field (Gamma). This is like a light around the body. You and everyone around you has this light around their body. This light only registers through specialized instruments and empathic senses.
There are ways to train your eyes to see the aura. What I offer involves learning to see the aura in your mind's eye. The following is an exercise you can practice with a friend.
Training Yourself To See Auras
First, have someone stand in front of you about three feet or more away. Practice taking in their entire image without focusing on any details. You will notice that as you do this you are not just looking at the body, you are also developing a mental image of the person. As you become more aware of the mental image you will see light and energy around the person.When you first start this exercise I want you to only concern yourself with developing the ability to see this energy field and not worry about interpreting it. After you have developed the ability to see the aura (Gamma field) immediately when you see a person then begin to interpret what you are seeing. Refer to the Lesson Seven for understanding Gamma.
Also, keep in mind that interpreting empathic data involves all level of your being. I do not endorse exercises where you have someone stand in front of a white wall in order to see the aura. This method relies on unintentional tricks of the eye and nervous system and does not truly reveal anything about auras.
Beta energy also occurs and expresses through speaking as well as body language. The Beta voice occurs when spoken language focuses on external events and observations. Spoken Beta deals with declarative and directive statements, such as "There is the house," and," This is my dog," and, "Pick up the book." Whenever you are declaring what something is or trying to direct activity around you, then you are using a Beta voice. You will learn more about empath voices in the next lesson.
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