Friday, January 31, 2014

Essence ~ Written 3/24/1999

  Essence ~ Written March 24, 1999

A flashlight beam holds the ray of light that shines through your dying eyes. A candle flickers from a soft breeze coming through the crack of a stained glass window.

Mother Mary harbors somewhat of a smirk on her pale thin lips. The virgin mother, tainted with a slight scratch across her stained glass body, would present a true heavenly glow of soft pastel color, come sunrise. No other stained glass window could bring a shine from the heavens above quite like Mary.

The flickering candle shadows your hanging portrait with patches of orange light. Each flash of the dim candle glow haunts my worn and withered soul.

The steady ray of the flashlight beam begins to flicker under my uneasy grip of power. I see distress in your dying eyes. My worn and withered soul is haunted once more by the untamed shadows of the candles fire. The shadows now dance like a forest in a monsoon storm, but quickly explode into millions of glowing demons disappearing in a tunnel of darkness. 

And as the essence of the flashlight begins to consume my tired eyes, I see the light has spread throughout the room. I feel sadness sweep across my body like the plague.

I'm dazed by the smoke, filtering from the wick and drowning in a pool of wax. The bright essence of the flashlight begins to dim in the presence of soft pastel colors, gleaming through the stained glass window. 

As the flashlight beam fades like a distant memory, I see the peace in your worn and withered eyes.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Can YOU see the man in the tree?

Can YOU see the man in the tree?

Do you see him yet? Here's a smaller picture of the same tree. Look again and see if you see the man.

Okay, here's the picture with the man circled.

Notice the left arm under the chin and a round cylinder shape on his right. It also looks like a type of straw hat on his head.

This was a real picture taken from my iphone of the computer monitor. Our pc camera zoomed in on this tree. I have reported unusual activity and sent video to MUFON. An organization who has taken an interest in this type of occurrence. No I do not think it's alien activity. 

So I'll leave you with that thought...

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Stage Five Review

Stage Five Review 


1. The goal of stage five is to learn about accessing Theta messages and to learn how to strengthen your connection to Theta (the inner empath).
2. Learning Dreamtongue involves looking at the world through the "eyes of an empath," seeing that all life is language.
3. Theta acts as an inner channel between your outermost and innermost senses.
4. Theta is normally only available to you while you sleep and dream.
5. Theta messages typically occur as thoughts and symbolic information.
6. Telepathy is a Theta function. Telepathy occurs when two living things link up in some form of relationship.
7. The ability of sending and receiving in telepathy is shaped by the personality of the sender and receiver.

8. The relationship between the sender and receiver will determine the strength and quality of the telepathy.
9. Theta uses imagination to encode empathic impressions.
10. Empathic breathing is an important skill used for managing mental noise.
11. An empath totem can be used to strengthen and nourish your own empath connections.

Stage 5 Empath Totems

Empath Totems

Another way to strengthen the connection to your inner empath is to work with an empath totem. An empath totem is a symbol that you choose to represent your own empath nature. It can be in any form you select with no limits. It is only important that the symbol have meaning and connection for you. It becomes your logo as an empath. In the same way that European families had family shields and crests representing their lineage, an empath can establish a totem to represent their particular link to the empath levels.
An empath totem is formulated at the Theta level, using symbology and association. Yet all levels of the empath are incorporated into the totem. To choose a totem simply requires that it be the one you desire, you feel connected to, that has meaning for you, and that it feels right.
Totems can evolve, change, grow, diversify, and transform. Whatever totem you choose now for your empath training will go through many stages of development as you grow in your life. The totem acts as a mirror of sorts reflecting the obvious and hidden parts of your psyche. It grows and changes as you grow and change. It becomes the connection to your empath self and acts as an extension of you. It is one of the most beautiful and powerful of the tools available to Empaths. Many fascinating uses and experiences with totems have been shared with me over the years.
A totem does not need to be secret but it does need to be sacred or special. It is a tool that is empowered when you treat it with respect and with purpose. It can be an abstract symbol, it can be a traditional symbol; it can be represented by an animal - real or "imaginary," It can be mythological or entirely created by your imagination. It will be the vessel into which your empath nature will flow. A totem acts as a tangible or visible connector to your essentially invisible empathic nature.
Select a totem in your own time. You may already have one in mind or you may need to work on it for a while. You may be drawn to a totem by an Alpha or Beta message, or it may come to you through a dream. Once you have selected your totem you can begin to take steps to externalize it. You can externalize your totem in different ways. You can obtain pictures that have your totem in them. You can obtain objects, jewelry, and decorations of your totem.
You can create your totem through any type of medium you desire. After a while, your totem will take on a life of it's own directed by and connected with your own empath nature. Eventually you will be able to retrieve empath impressions through your totem. In this capacity your totem can act as a Guide. Just having a totem acts as a grounding mechanism for your empath nature, energizing you and reinforcing the connection with your Theta level.
Record the selection of your totem in your dreamtongue journal. Also indicate in your journal your empathic breathing sessions. You may just want to record how long the session was but it would better serve your training record if you were to record your response to each session for the first three months. After three months empathic breathing will become a natural skill for you and you could just comment on it as you like.
This completes the fifth stage of your preliminary training. At this point you have many thoughts and activities in motion that are shaping your development.
Before closing this chapter I want to share one very intense Theta experience, where imagery was used in a symbolic fashion. Alpha and Beta impressions were also involved, but the Theta image was very clear.
Back in 1978 I was sitting in a meditation group. We sat in a circle in a quiet room meditating together for about an hour. I was relaxed and was calmly observing images as they passed through my mind. Suddenly the outlined images of a map appeared in my mind. It looked like an outline of the southern portions of the U.S. and the northern portions of South America.
The image stayed in place and I became intrigued. A red spot appeared on the map near the South American portion. I watched as the red spot grew larger and larger. It was as clear as if I were watching it on TV. The spot grew into a large and vicious looking dragon. The dragon became larger than the map as it twisted and growled fiercely. An intense feeling of horror and grief flashed through my body like a gust of wind. Then the image and the feeling disappeared.
When the meditation was over I shared the images with friends but no one could offer any explanations. I did not have any further feelings or information about it. So I went home that night and turned on the TV. Within minutes of turning on the TV news bulletin came on showing Jonestown, Guyana. They described the discovery of more than 900 bodies and the nightmare that had taken place. The time that this discovery was made was the same time that I was seeing the image of the dragon.
I have never forgotten that experience. Many such events in my life have caused me to lose interest in debating with people about the existence of empath phenomenon.

Stage 5 Managing Mental Noise

Managing Mental Noise 

Apart from practicing overall stress management, taking good care of yourself, and having private time to reflect on your life, the best way to manage mental noise is to create a conditioned relaxation response within yourself.
There are many advanced ways of creating a relaxation response within yourself, but I offer here a simple method useful for Empaths. I call this exercise , "empathic breathing."
1. Set aside 10 to 20 minutes a day for empath breathing.
2. Be consistent and do not skip days. Under even the worst conditions you can squeeze in 5 minutes for the exercise.
3. Practice the exercise when you are awake and alert. Do not do it right before going to sleep or within the first fifteen minutes of waking up.
4. Practice the exercise where you feel you have enough privacy and with the least amount of distraction. Do not try this exercise with the television on or where you can hear human voices. Hearing people talking is very distracting.
5. Sit in a comfortable position where you can hold your spine erect. Do not strain or sit stiffly. Make sure pillows support you (or a chair) and that you feel stable before you begin.
6. The exercise is very simple; it involves counting your inhalations and your exhalations. Learning empathic breathing prepares you to learn the focused sitting meditation I mentioned earlier. Your first goal is to be able to do three sets of ten breaths. When you first start this you may not be able to do all of the breaths in perfect order. You will build up to this in time. Do not strain or do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. Relax and breathe normally between breaths when you need to.
7. Your second goal is to be able to take long slow breaths that start in the diaphragm and fill up to your chest. This inhalation is then held to the count of four and is followed by a long slow exhalation.
8. The first breath begins by inhaling slowly through your nostrils, filling your lungs from the "bottom up." Fill up your lungs without straining. When your lungs are full then hold the breath to the count of four. Exhale slowly by pursing your lips and blowing out a long silent whistle. Empty your lungs as much as possible without straining. When your lungs are empty hold to the count of four again. This counts as one breath.
9. Repeat for up to ten breaths. Controlling and counting the breaths develops the concentration and focus that you need in order to manage mental noise. When you first do this you may only be able to do one set of ten breaths. You may not even be able to do ten breaths, so do what you can. Whatever you do will start to work for you. It is important that you do not do anything that will make you uncomfortable. The idea is to relax and work with your breathing. Your breathing becomes something you are creating and refining. Each time you sit you work on improving your breathing and learning to relax into the experience.
10. Your eventual goal is to perform three full sets of ten breaths. You can do more sets if it suits your capacity. As you do your sets count your breaths and keep your thoughts focused on the count. Other thoughts and images will come into your mind, simply let them be. Do not try to do anything with those thoughts and images.
11. Sometimes you will find yourself traveling through different states of consciousness while you do this. Other times you will stay in a Beta state throughout the exercise.
Empath breathing is one of the best things you can do for yourself for many reasons. It will help you learn to manage your mental noise and it will help you increase your overall energy level as well. After you have practiced empathic breathing for a period of time, which differs from person to person, you will be able to literally turn down the mental noise in your head by taking ten breaths and counting each one.

The Book of Storms ~ Lessons in Dreamtongue ~ Stage 5 Connecting To Your Inner Empath

Stage 5

Connecting To Your Inner Empath 

You now have the basic tools of an empath: awareness of the Beta and Alpha skills. From chapter four you have gained information about Alpha messages and empath sensitivity. You were introduced to the process of Alpha associating, allowing impressions to forms spontaneously without censoring.
With just the first two empath letters you can begin to recognize and identify the language of Dreamtongue as it happens around you. The silent but powerful language is being spoken by everything around you. It is flowing from every person you meet, usually without his or her awareness of it.
Dreamtongue passes into your being and resonates deep within your psyche. You generate the empath language at all times, it flows from your center out through your mind/body into the world around you. To communicate with Dreamtongue requires that you look at life with the "eyes of an empath."
All of life is a language. Every living thing, every event and action, every object in existence is a part of that language. The movement and the relationship between every single thing are the silent words of Dreamtongue. You hear this language with your heart, speak it with your soul, and your thoughts can be the channel between the two.


Theta is the channel between your innermost empath sense and your outermost awareness. Whether or not Theta will someday be identified with a specific organ in the brain, like the pineal gland, the hippocampus, or the hypothalamus or if it remains simply as a "construct", is not important to your training as an empath.
It will eventually happen that science will "discover" empath abilities and will link them to specific parts of the brain. I project that empath abilities will be related to every part of the brain but will be specifically connected to the brain stem area, the amygdala, and the limbic system; areas that are tied into emotional responses, as well as general body responses. To become an empath only requires that you are aware of your empath center, or the inner empath as I call it in this course.
The purpose of this chapter is to increase awareness of your own empath center and to strengthen your connection to it. Of course you are already connected to your inner empath, so what has to be developed is enhanced awareness and skills for strengthening that connection.
Theta awareness is deeper within your body/mind than Beta and Alpha, it is in your unconscious mind. Beta is your waking state, Alpha takes place just below your waking state, but Theta is normally only available to you during sleep. In Theta your brain waves slow way down to around 4 to 7 cycles per second.
You can consciously reach Theta through a profound meditational state with discipline and practice. I teach a specific type of meditation for Empaths called "focus sitting," which helps you maintain a direct channel to Theta. Yet there are other ways to access Theta and learning those other ways is the goal of stage five of your training.
Theta is the level of vivid dreaming. When you are asleep and in a Theta state, R.E.M. (rapid eye movement) occurs as you dream. In Theta your body/mind takes everything that is going on within it and uses that material to produce a dream.
Dreams are the result of physiological states, mental and emotional states, memories, imagination, and empathic states. All of these states weave together into a tapestry we call dreams. Some dreams occur at the Alpha level and have that Alpha vagueness about them. Alpha dreams are general feelings and reactions, indistinct images, etc. Theta dreams are typically the vivid dreams that seem very real and colorful.
Dream research shows that everyone dreams every night and that all dreams are typically in color. The problem for some people is that they do not remember their dreams and/or do not remember the color. Memory of dreaming or the colors in the dream are often lost by the time a person wakes up. The place where this dream activity occurs is the Theta level.
Theta is the level where inner impressions and activities form into composite images and ideas. It is in Theta where the more defined empathic messages are available. A Theta message usually occurs as a thought that enters your awareness. "Oh, I need to call John," or "The phone is going to ring," or "This person is from Arkansas." Theta messages are basically specific by design. By specific I do not mean always exact. By specific I mean that there is more content to the message than just a general feeling.
One morning I ran into a friend that I had not seen in a while. We hugged and greeted each other. During the hug the thought popped into my mind, "She has been out west." I had no conscious reason for thinking that thought. There were no visible (beta) signs. So I asked her and she said yes, that she had just returned the day before. There was specific information but the exact state was not named. I have had countless experiences where the exact information was named but that is not always the case. This is an example of a Theta message.
Theta is the level of telepathy, for lack of a better word. The working definition for telepathy is mind-to-mind communication, or what I believe is more accurate: nervous_system-to-nervous_system communication. Telepathy occurs as two living things link up with each other at an empathic or unconscious level. Telepathy does not mean that you are reading a person's mind, like reading a ticker tape print out. There can be word for word communication but the more common type of telepathy involves just getting the same emotions and overall ideas of another person.
The sender of the message (either intentional or unintentional) may be thinking of you but not know how to reach you. You, as the receiver of the message may get a body sensation as a response to that message but would probably not notice it; you might get an Alpha response but it could be too vague to understand, if the message is persistent and you are paying attention, then you may have a Theta response in the form of a thought, "I need to call John." This whole process involves a telepathic connection but is not called telepathy until the thought occurs which encodes the message.
Telepathy includes the sending as well as the receiving of messages. As an empath you will learn to do both. How well you send or receive depends a lot on your personality. A person who is a good listener and is sensitive to the feelings of others tends to be a good receiver. A person who is easily distracted and is not really interested in other people's thoughts and feelings generally has difficulty receiving.
When a person is self-absorbed they have difficulty receiving. At any given moment when you are exclusively focused on one thing or activity, you may not notice a telepathic message. Sending a telepathic message only requires that you think of the person you are sending it to while you focus on the thought. The more connected you feel to the person while you are sending the thought, the more direct the message will be.
The type of relationship you have with the sender/receiver also determines the quality of the telepathy. The closer you are to someone emotionally the greater your telepathic connections. If you feel comfortable being close to someone, you are more likely to experience a telepathic connection with that person. That is why if strangers asks you to "be telepathic" with them, the connection may be elusive as you may not be comfortable being so intimate with a stranger.
Telepathic connections are very intimate. This is why you always hear of mothers detecting their child in distress or lovers doing the same. If a stranger comes up to you and asks you to read their mind, there is very little connection between the two of you for any telepathy to occur. Empath abilities work by their own natural laws and understanding these laws will help you to function as an empath. Theta messages are determined by the strength and quality of the relationship between two or more people.
As I said before, Theta messages have content that is specific but not always exact. Since Theta messages originate from within your unconscious without the benefit of the eyes or ears they are not encoded into clear signals. The empath mind encodes them with the associations you form, either consciously or unconsciously.
The big difference between Alpha and Theta comes with how associations are made. In Alpha you learn to make empath associations consciously. In Theta the associations are already made at an unconscious level that rise up to the conscious mind. Your unconscious encodes the message using whatever materials are available to it, just like it does when you are dreaming. Functioning in a pure empath state, Theta is like dreaming while you are awake.
Your unconscious tends to be very creative when encoding information. It relies on symbology, analogy, myth, beliefs, perceptions, feelings, memories, imagination, ideas, and even special effects, in order to paint a Theta message for you. Imagery that is symbolic rather than actual is Theta imagery.
Let's say you are out driving around when someone at your house tries to send you a message to pick up a gallon of milk. You know by now that the message they are sending out is a Beta signal. If you receive that signal at the Theta level, through telepathy, it may take a variety of forms. It may come through clearly as the thought, "Hey, I need to stop and the store and buy a gallon of milk." It may come through partially, "I think I need to stop at the store," with no particular thought about the milk. The intent may not come through; you might just start thinking about the person sending the message without associating any information.
It is possible to be unaware of the telepathy. You might pull into a store parking lot, walk into the store and go up to the dairy section without really thinking about what you are doing. The message could be encoded symbolically where you suddenly start thinking about dairy cows but you do not make any associations with the information. You get home and tell the sender that you were just thinking about dairy cows. They tell you," I have just been trying and trying to send you a message to pick up a gallon of milk!"
Theta is the level where empath impressions are encoded and the place where telepathy is processed. In Alpha the dream voice is heard as a faint and distant whisper. Theta is the dream voice, the voice of your inner empath. In Beta the dream voice is not heard at all, only felt through the body. In Alpha the dream voice is faint and often drowned out by the mental noise of Beta. In a pure Theta state the voice would be loud and clear. The problem for you and me is that we are normally trying to hear the dream voice while awake, in a Beta or Alpha state. What is needed is a stronger connection to the inner empath
There are two methods you can use to strengthen your connection to Theta: reducing mental noise and using an "empath totem."
First let's look at mental noise and how to manage it. I say "manage" because you will never completely get rid of mental noise. Mental noise is all of the activity of your waking mind. It is every conscious thought, perception, feeling, and reaction what is going on at the Beta level. Mental noise is generally very loud and distracting in contrast with the quiet soft nature of your dream voice. Mental noise can be any or all of the following:
1. What you are actively seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting at any given moment creates mental noise. If you are trying to listen to your dream voice and someone is revving up a motorcycle outside your window, that sound creates a lot of mental noise from your reaction to it. Until you learn to follow these Beta signals down to deeper levels, they tend to be very distracting and drown out the dream voice of Theta.
2. Your conscious thoughts act as mental noise. When you are analyzing, judging, evaluating, and trying to interpret information, this creates mental noise. Critical thoughts are mental noise. Self-criticism is the most oppressive form of mental noise. Thoughts of "I can't do this," " This is pointless," "This is something only other people can do," are the most distracting forms of mental noise.
3. Imagined impressions are also mental noise. Imagination is very useful in empathic functioning because it serves as an endless reservoir of imagery. Through imagination you are able to make Alpha associations, which is a way to mentally feel around in the unconscious, searching for empath content. Imagination is material that is fashioned by your psyche. Anything fashioned by your imagination has the potential to encode empath content.
Do not be afraid of imagination, it is not the nemesis of empath evidence. Imagination is a powerful ability that can be utilized in many ways. I will give you an example of this in the following discussion of "empath totems." Still, imagination can also generate mental noise. When your imagination generates images that do not have empath content, then it is mental noise.
4. Memories can also act as mental noise. Remembered impressions can interfere with empathic impressions. If you are empathically trying to determine what to get a loved one as a gift, and the memory of all the things you've gotten before, or the memory of things they've told you keeps popping up, this acts as mental noise which drowns out the empathic information available through Theta.
Typically these four types of mental noise are all happening together in one big mesh of mental distraction. The Beta mind is a busy place with heavy traffic. The next important skill for an empath is to learn how to manage mental noise.


Alpha Association Moment

Alpha Association Moment

Yesterday January 28, 2014 I went to a friends house and she was trying to remember the name of a famous guitar player. Without hesitating, I said; Jimmy Paige. Yes, it was indeed Jimmy Paige she was trying to remember. Now, I am a Led Zepplin  fan, but not that much of a fan that I would naturally guess Jimmy Paige, no offense to him.

And she is not a fanatical Led Zepplin fan either, and it wasn't guessing. It was an Alpha message through and through. I find that amazing that this takes little time for me and I see improvements already. That might just be me, since I'm already in-tune, but I still recommend The Book of Storms.

Energy Healing Recap

  I was able to make my phone call to get my energy healing done, and I must say, I was pleasantly surprised by the energy I felt throughout my body, and by the way she conducted the seminar which was by having people press star 1 or whatever your urgency level was.

  I pressed star 5 and thought about what I needed to be healed. My thoughts were focused on my laziness, better known as Attention Deficit Disorder. When she focused her energy on every star 5 person, I felt the warmth come over my body and my vision cleared instantly.

  It was like seeing clearly for the first time. So, in conclusion, I would love this ability and would heal the heck out of people around me.As for me, only time and the usual day to day life stuff will tell if I would need another healing, but I will tell you. I would recommend this and do want another one.

Empaths who learn to block

Empaths who learn to block

Why would an Empath who loves to feel have any desire to block it out? When I was a kid, I would say the one thing I hated about myself was how weak and scared I was. I knew at a young age that my parents were no help. My mother was the center of all nerves, yes she is an empath. My father is not, and I know they drove each other crazy, but what they weren't aware of, was how torturous I found these emotions to be. Fear mostly, then sadness over losing a pet or moving away.

 When my parents both would cry over a dead pet, I now know that my mother was the dominating emotion in the room, but I saw it as two people not being able to handle seeing an animal die! They would never get over it, maybe I would never get over either. As an adult I feared situations where animals may be hurt. I had a dog get hit by a truck and die, needless to say I am forever a dog lover.

I learned how to block not only because I hated feeling nearly suicidal over the loss of an animal, but because I had been reading people my entire life and discovered that people lie without remorse and feel without pain. Lots of people especially woman can cry at will, then they can con an unsuspecting empath who only tries to help.

I have been used and manipulated by people I call psychopaths. The manipulation, always feeling weak minded, getting used and ripped off by people, feeling sad and helpless, are all reasons why a part of me learned how to filter out the liars and make blocking easy so I can analyze with my intellect how to handle a situation. 

I have to say it has helped me in so many ways, I am so much more intuitive and I can see very deeply into people so I don't get hurt by them, however, I still feel hurt when I see lies. I still have issues about people being weak and letting others walk all over them, but I am a hippo-crate because I am the same way.

Walking the block

If you are an Empath who struggles, I suggest you seek help. It is very important to deal with any issue in the present rather than the future. Remember, you are only learning to block those who desire to steal or do you harm, you are not giving up on anyone.

  • self help or self improvement programs- anything that deals with anxiety and depression can help you.
  • Guilt- Most self help talks about guilt, you need to learn how to recognize a guilt trip when it comes.
  • Study how to use both the left and the right side of your brain. Most people do not.
  • Finally, read the Book of Storms, lessons in dreamtongue. I am, it will help you strengthen every empathic sense you have. 
     And please do not give up, you are invaluable and will be stronger than most people around you. Not every Empath has our level of intuition, that is why you who read this must strengthen your gift. We are all teachers and students of this world.

  Remember  the one Empath who cares the most about you is Jesus.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Stage Four Review ~ Lessons in Dreamtongue

Stage Four Review

1. The Alpha level is the beginning of the classical psychic domain. The goal of this stage is to increase your Empathic sensitivity.
2. Alpha acts like an inner compass or divining rod, guiding you with feelings, hunches, inner pushes and pulls.
3. Alpha is the level of Empathic impressions. These Empathic impressions are not clear and distinctive at this level of reception.
4. Alpha is more the emotional level, in the same way that Beta is more the physical level of Empathic functioning.
5. Empathic sensitivity can be measured by the extent to which you make Alpha associations.
6. Empathic sensitivity can be developed as a skill.
7. The Alpha associating exercise is described in this chapter. Regular practice with this exercise can lead to greater degrees of Empathic sensitivity.
8. Alpha messages are more likely to occur when there is a need for information.
9. Alpha messages can be used in decision making and in communicating, along with other intellectual abilities and sound judgment.
10. Completing stage four of empath training includes beginning a Dreamtongue journal for at least a year.

Stage Four ~ Lessons in Dreamtongue ~ Alpha Associating

You are successful with Alpha associating when you allow impressions to form without censoring them. As you increase your ability to make Alpha associations your Empathic sensitivity increases. Your Empathic sensitivity is measured by the extent of your ability to make Alpha associations.
Alpha messages normally come to you when there is a need for you to know something. That need is determined by your interest in the information and the seriousness of the information. If someone you know really wants or needs to get in touch with you, their feelings will generate a Beta message (remember: Empathic energy generated and sent out is a form of Beta).
Your reception of that message can occur at any level. If the person sending you the signal is in distress, then you might receive the message at a Beta level, with a physical reaction - let's say, a constriction in the chest. If the signal is not that strong, the emotions are not that intense, then you might receive the message at the Alpha level. As an Alpha message it might come as a vague feeling of "something you need to do," or a general feeling that pulls you in the direction of that person.
One woman told me about the time when a friend of hers was in town, but her friend could not reach her by phone. She said that she decided that day to go out to lunch to a restaurant that she had never gone to before. She didn't know why but she really wanted to go there. When she got there she saw her out of town friend and they connected. The feeling or desire to go to that restaurant was the Alpha message. The out of town friend sent out a signal by wanting to make contact and the receiver responded by going to the same restaurant on the same day.
By contrast, if someone just says to you, "If you're Empathic, then read my mind," or something to the equivalent, there may not be a real need which generates Empathic activity. For some, the need to prove themselves may be strong enough, and sometimes the person making the challenge may actually have a need that is coming through in that moment. Empathic connections can be very intimate and not everyone will allow that intimacy - either consciously or unconsciously.
Alpha messages are the most common Empathic events. They occur all day and every day. Most of them are minor and never really surface into your awareness. Some are very useful and make developing your Alpha skills a practical matter. Alpha as your whispering dream voice is usually trying to tell you something that you can use.
Many times have I been searching for an address while in my car and I come to an intersection not sure of which way to turn. At that point I get a feeling of a pull to turn left. My dream voice is saying," turn left, turn left." My intellect is saying, "no turn right, the information that I have suggests that I turn right."
How many times have you been in that situation? The intellect is usually loud and clear. The dream voice is soft and easily drowned out. I have learned many lessons the hard way by ignoring the Alpha message and going the wrong direction.
There is what I call a cliché in psychic development classes about teaching the act of "creating parking spaces." As I mentioned earlier, I do not think you want to take on the formidable task of psychically lifting and moving an automobile. Instead, you can let your Alpha sense guide you to an area where someone is getting ready to leave and take that space. Your Alpha sense will guide you and pull you in a desired direction if you let it. Let's keep ourselves grounded.
Alphas can also guide you in decision making of all types. It is at this point that I instruct students to keep in mind that Empathic ability is merely one of their many abilities. Empathic ability is not to be your sole resource and method of operations.
You can gather facts through your waking mind, to analyze, evaluate, and use those facts through your intellect. Your Empathic nature can greatly enhance your intellectual skills but should not be used as a replacement for them. The most effective Empaths are the ones who integrate empathic ability with all of their other cognitive functions.
Alpha messages can guide you in communicating with others, either through speaking or writing. When you are talking with someone, pay attention to the Alpha messages you are getting during the conversation. Keep in mind that Alphas are not clear messages but instead are inclinations, pushes, and pulls.
Your skill at using Alphas will be influenced by your ability to recognize your own emotional states and needs. If you are talking with someone who you are angry with, regarding a specific situation, then the anger that you might feel during the conversation is not an Alpha message.
Being unclear about what is and what is not an Alpha message leads to many wrong conclusions. If you relax while you are talking to that person you can open up your Alpha sensitivity to them and get the signals you need to communicate more effectively. I will teach you an empathic breathing technique in the next lesson which will help you move into a relaxed Alpha state no matter where you are.
Your understanding of Beta and Alpha will expand as you learn the deeper Empathic senses in the following lessons. In order to complete your fourth stage of training and to prepare for the following stages you need to start a journal. Get a notebook or blank book of some sort. Label it "Dreamtongue Journal."
After you finish this chapter make your first entry into the journal. Write in it what you have learned so far about Dreamtongue, about Beta and Alpha. As you do this, do not write the words Beta and Alpha, instead use the Empathic alphabet:
for Beta use

for Alpha use
If you can turn these "thoughts" into NONVERBAL thoughts by using symbols instead of words, then you are already developing the ability to speak and understand Dreamtongue.
Begin to record times when you experience or have experienced Beta messages through your body, have generated healing or mental influence, and Alpha messages of all types.
Practice Alpha associating and record the experience in your Dreamtongue journal. Pay attention to your dreams and enter them in the journal. Observe the world with its many wonders and problems, and record your observations and responses. This is your journal as an empath.
Even though you will complete the ninth stage of your preliminary training as you complete the ninth lesson, keep this journal for at least a year's time. Treat it as an important part of your development.

The Book of Storms ~ Stage Four ~ Alpha Associating Exercise

Alpha Associating Exercise

1. Sit in a comfortable position so that you are reasonably relaxed. Remember, relaxing slows down your brain to an Alpha level.
2. Focus on an object or person. If the object or person is in front of you, then you look at the target without paying attention to details. You simply take in the overall image without focusing on a specific part of the target. Remember you are not looking for information with your eyes. Some people prefer to close their eyes during this part but that is a matter of personal preference. You can even hold an object in your hand to practice associating. When you Alpha associate while holding or touching something it is called "psychometry."
3. Allow thoughts, words, pictures, etc. to come to mind without censoring them. Do not decide which thoughts are Empathic and which ones are not. If you do that, then you are censoring and that impedes the process. Just let whatever pops into your mind to come forward. The skill of Alpha associating develops by actually speaking the associations out loud or by writing them down. To keep from being slowed down you might want to use a tape recorder or have someone write your associations down.
4. The "knack" or skill comes by catching the very first impressions, the more immediate the associations the better. Any time spent on analyzing or judging the associations cuts off the Alpha message. Receiving and interpreting Empathic information are two different functions. For the beginner it is very difficult to perform these two functions at the same time. For the sake of practice, do your receiving and your interpreting separately. Do not strain to "get" information. Empathic information is immediate. It's already there. Your only work is to retrieve it.
5. Do not spend too long on any one target. Do your focusing and associating for a period of five to ten minutes at the very most.
6. After you are done associating then review your list of impressions. It is at this point that you can evaluate or analyze the information for content. If there is no Empathic content then do not worry, the purpose of the exercise is to develop the skill of Alpha associating. When there is a Empathic message that needs to come through then this skill will be invaluable.

The Book of Storms ~ Lessons in Dreamtongue by Jadoa Tai Alexander ~ Stage Four

You are now entering stage four of your preliminary training as an empath. As far as the information part goes, we are leaving the familiar waking world of Beta and are entering into the classical domain of "the Empathic." If I were to discuss Beta and Alpha as territories I would describe Beta as the outermost rim of the territory, the external world, and Alpha as the vast expanse of your interior landscape.
Alpha is the internal world of your psyche. It is the place of dreams, imagery, memory, myth, emotion, and shadows. Where Beta is the bright yellow light of the Sun enclosed by the four sides of a square,
Alpha is the light reflected from the surface of the Moon, apas symbolized in a silver crescent. The silver crescent is an excellent symbol for Alpha the unconscious.
The Moon reflects the light of the Sun but is covered in partial darkness from a shadow. The partial Moon light of the crescent represents the partial consciousness of Alpha and the shadow over the Moon suggests the presence of the unconscious.
An Alpha state occurs when you slow your brain waves down to around 8 to 13 cycles per second. This can be done by closing your eyes and relaxing. Visualizing a peaceful scene and taking a few deep breaths will take you even deeper into Alpha. Alpha is just under the surface of your waking mind and is always available to you.
A common, yet outdated , term for Empathic ability is "the sixth sense." This implies one more sense past the five primary senses. In fact we really have more than five primary senses. In addition to sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell, we have a kinesthetic sense which detects movement and body orientation.
There are even subtler senses within the body. All of these senses form a ladder that extends down into the unconscious levels of the mind. For now, I will keep the primary senses lumped into the first five of Beta and refer to Alpha as the sixth sense.
Alpha as the sixth sense acts like a compass or divining rod within your body/mind. It generates vague or undefined information that can create a sense of a push or a pull within you. A pull would be a desire to move toward something, a push would be a reaction to move back from something or someone.
Remember my story about the bank robber? In Dreamtongue the Beta message was " a man in the Laundromat," but within that Beta signal was an Alpha message as well. The Alpha message was a pushing away, a desire to get away from that man. It was an Alpha message because it did not come with explicit instructions or explanations.
I did not get a Empathic news flash saying, "Attention. Attention. That man has a gun and is dangerous. He is about to rob the bank next door." Instead my body translated the Alpha message of something wrong into a Beta message of a sense of heaviness and constriction in my body. Here you can see how Beta and Alpha work together.
As you advance through this training you will learn how all five levels are not at all separate and distinct. They are really a continuum, a ladder of consciousness. You are learning each one separately in order to strengthen your understanding of each level.
In the language of Dreamtongue Alphas are hunches, intuitions, general feelings, inclinations, unexplained reactions/responses. If an Alpha message is strong enough it will push its way up (or out) through the body and become a Beta message.
Whether a Empathic message is heard as an Alpha or a Beta depends upon two things:
(1) You as an individual. Are you more aware of your feelings or your body states, or both?
(2) The intensity and importance of the message.
You are continuously receiving Alpha messages throughout your day. Not all of them are important enough to signal you through your body, unless you are an extremely sensitive to your body states. If you are a person who tends to not really pay attention to your body states or feelings, then you may not be noticing Alpha or Beta messages.
Have you ever walked in to a place and thought, "I have a bad feeling about this?", or , " I have a good feeling about this?" If so, then you were acknowledging an Alpha message.
Alpha is the level of Empathic impressions. These impressions are usually not very clear or distinctive and therefore require interpretation. It is in the process of interpreting Empathic impressions that many people lose the message or reach inaccurate conclusions.
In this chapter I will provide you with information that will help you work in a focused way with Alpha messages. Some of this information will require that you practice certain skills. How often you practice will be determined by your desire and your schedule. Needless to say, the more you practice the better the results.
Alpha is also the "emotional level," in the same way that Beta is the "physical level." Empathic messages come in through emotional responses. The distinction between a normal emotional reaction and an Alpha message depends on what is occurring around you.
If you get upset because someone is yelling at you then that is a normal emotional reaction. If you think of something upsetting and then you get upset, that is a normal emotional reaction. If you are talking to friend and enjoying yourself, and then for no apparent reason you get upset - that could be an Alpha message.
Here's an example: Several years ago, I was walking through the mall doing some shopping. It was a nice day and I was feeling carefree. As I was walking, thinking about different stores and getting a bite to eat, a feeling of intense sadness "fell" over me. It was sudden and strong. I had to sit on a bench to try to figure out what was happening.
I reviewed everything that I could think of: was there something worrying me- no, was there a problem I was putting off - no, could I think of anything that was making me sad - no. So I decided I should go home to see if I could determine what was wrong. When I got home I could not find my cat Leto, one of a set of twins. I was very fond of my twin kitties Leto and Ghanima. Eventually I found him dead under the bushes by my house.
There was no evidence of what had killed him. He had been fine before I left that morning. I had felt the time of his death when I was at the mall. The sadness that came over me, unprovoked, was a strong Alpha message. Unfortunately, Alpha messages are not usually clear enough to know what to do. It will be through Theta and Delta that you will learn about the direct and distinctive Empathic messages.
The Alpha level relates to overall Empathic sensitivity. Here I would like to give you a working definition for Empathic sensitivity. This part is a little complicated but very useful to learn. Learning about the nature of Empathic sensitivity will help anyone who feels they have trouble accessing Empathic information.
Normal sensitivity is measured in thresholds. Sensitivity to touch, to temperature, and to pain is measured by how much of each stimulus is needed before a person can feel that stimulus. The point where there is enough pressure or stimulation to feel the touch, heat, pain, etc., is the threshold.
Alpha messages originate from within you due to some distant or unapparent stimulation or pressure. The amount of "internal pressure" required in order for you to recognize a Empathic message is your Alpha threshold. It is your Alpha threshold that determines your level of Empathic sensitivity. This threshold varies throughout the day and can vary from day to day.
Empathic sensitivity can be developed as a skill. You can expand your Alpha threshold which, in turn, increases your Empathic sensitivity. This is the essence of stage four of your training. To expand your Empathic sensitivity you must first learn how to compare Alpha with Beta states.
Beta and Alpha act as mirror images of each other. They are like the Sun and the Moon, with the Moon reflecting the light of the Sun. Beta takes signals in to your body/mind and Alpha receives signals internally from within your unconscious. Beta information is encoded by your senses but Alpha is information not perceived by your senses.
The lack of sensory input is what makes Alpha messages difficult to recognize and interpret. If you cannot see it, hear it, or touch it, how can you know what it is? What is missing is the means for the Alpha message to get encoded into some usable form.
Alpha messages are encoded by associations. Remember from chapter two: the associational centers form the channel between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. This is the place where the small still voice within originates. The dialogue inside this channel is the dream voice, the place where Dreamtongue occurs. Alpha is the whisper of your dream voice. Alpha messages are harnessed by forming associations to other information, especially symbolic imagery.
Forming associations to Empathic impressions is the key skill of the empath. When an Alpha message arises within you and you do not immediately recognize it's purpose, you can make associations with it and discover its meaning. This is done much like the process of what is called "free association." Free association works by having someone present words to you one at a time and you say whatever comes to mind without censoring.
I have used the free association method with students for over thirty years now and have found it to be very effective for developing Empathic sensitivity. I have students stand one at a time before the class. The students remaining in their seats have the task of focusing on the person in the front of the room and allowing whatever impressions to form.
The actual exercise involves speaking out loud, calling out any imagery that forms without censoring. Of course, I recommend some common courtesy and common sense here. I discourage statements of impending doom or statements that are embarrassingly intimate.
What normally happens is people call out one word responses and someone writes these associations down into a list. Occasionally, a sentence, a description, or an image comes through. Then the person who patiently stood in front of the room while everyone "read" them gets to review the list and make comments about the associations/impressions. This is a practice I recommend in Dreamtongue study groups called "echos" (empath circles).
Here is the vital point: the purpose of the exercise is not to extract Empathic information, although that certainly does happen. The purpose is to learn how to make associations readily and at will. You simply open your thoughts up by allowing images, words, descriptors, to come to mind without censoring them.
Here are the guidelines for developing your Empathic sensitivity by practicing Alpha associations.

The Law of Attraction ~ Like Minded People

                                             Birds of a feather,

                             Flock together...

             What type of people do you attract? I sat and thought about how many Empathic or sensitive people I know, and I came up with five. Two of them are men I have known twenty years, my spouse fifteen years, and the other two within the last two years. So, it takes fifteen to eighteen years to meet like-minded people, at least for me it does. 
            But I have to wonder  how many people are attracted to mean people, and would they attract more mean people in a twenty year period than I attracted empathic people? Haven't you ever heard someone say they attract assholes? What does that truly say about them?

The Law of Attraction
      Wikipedia's definition
      The law of attraction is the name given to the belief that "like attracts like" and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results.
       This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from "pure energy", and the belief that like energy attracts like energy.

  Positive attitude attracts...

   My new best friend I met a year ago when I got a job at a lottery place. She's the first female friend I have had since I was 13. We both have always gotten along better with male friends than other female friends, both love animals, both have had low self image and self esteem issues. She is a people person and not afraid to talk to anyone, and it has taken me my entire life to finally get to the personable state I'm at. That's where we are different, she grew up in an environment that would create more outspoken traits in a person, and my household was the opposite. 
   Sometimes we play the video slot machines, and her luck is considerably better than mine. One time she won $2,000 by putting in $5. I have tried many things to attract her luck, because I now know how the games work, I have tried spells and nothing works for me. I have won around $80, but she wins all the time and never has to put much money in. Why? She tips everyone. I don't. I have watched her many times and she is always leaving a tip. When we worked together she wouldn't let her friends give her tip. No matter what, she leaves a tip.
      I think this simple act of giving is sending out empathic positive energy and coming back to her in the form of winnings. So think about what I am doing, it would be like sending out a type of negative energy each time I never leave a tip. So I think I will make it a common practice to leave a tip.

Who do you attract?

   If you have ever been to a dating website, they ask you to put down on your profile what your likes and interests are. Is that really telling someone who that person is? Consider asking someone who they attract as far as friends and dates go. Then think about who you have always attracted. If two people both attract mean people mostly, they must be mean too.


Mike Marcum's Time Machine Experiments

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Generating Beta energy for a youthful appearence

                    Beta energy and generating beta energy, in case you have not read my posts about The Book of Storms, is actually psychokinesis. The seven Chakras are where this type of energy is received into the body. I received the ultimate compliment tonight that ANY 38 year old woman could possibly ask for. I saw a woman who is about 10 years younger than I am, or maybe even younger than that. I used to work with her and haven't seen her in a year. She told me I looked younger.

  I haven't done anything special today, but I will share with you what I have been doing for months now, I recite a chant everyday, every time I wash my face. I do this as I wash my face. I do not say it aloud, but if anyone wants to; be my guest.

  Every time I wash my face,
It takes away bad things in place,
It takes the aging negativity,
To bring forth youth God has for me.

The Book of Storms ~ Stage Three Review

Stage Three Review

1. The goal of stage three is to understand what Beta is and what forms a Beta message can take.
2. Beta is the body/mind as a whole unit, the container of the entire empathic process.
3. A Beta message is any information that can be perceived through the primary senses.
4. Beta energy is empathic energy that is generated by a person and is normally called psychokinesis, or PK.
5. Beta energy or PK can be used for healing or influencing objects & people.
6. A Beta message contains all the other levels of empathic information.
7. Internal empathic impressions form external Beta messages in the body through feelings and sensations.
8. Understanding Dreamtongue begins by learning to observe and listen to the world around you.

The Book of Storms ~ Stage Three ~ Generating a Beta Message

Generating a Beta Message

To generate a Beta message simply requires an action. Every action you take, no matter how small, generates a Beta message. Your physical presence in a room generates a Beta message. Beta energy is something you generate all the time to move your body.
You can learn to generate Beta energy in more creative ways. Symbolic gestures associated with specific intent can be very powerful Beta messages. For example, each time you want to send healing energy you can touch your heart with your hands as you focus on the target of your healing. Some people like to touch their forehead as they concentrate on receiving empathic information. The classic images of witches and magicians gesturing with specific intent certainly comes to mind when considering ways to generate Beta messages.
Observe your own body language and expressive gestures to see how you are already performing this empathic act. The type of gestures and movements you associate with specific empathic functions should be unique and meaningful to you personally. With practice you will find creative and meaningful movements which will evolve from your own empathic practice. I have developed a system of hand gestures that communicate dreamtongue messages; I call this system "xenchi" (zen chee), which is a course unto itself.
Beta is the foundation for creative action or "ritual." Hand gestures, for example, are Beta messages. If your hand gesture contains within it an Alpha message, or association, regarding relaxation and calm, then you can send Beta energy to calm and relax someone.
Creative actions or rituals generate a theme of Beta messages for specific goals: healing, restoring, protecting, connecting, celebrating, sharing, etc. For example, an empathic healer moving his or her hands over the area around someone's body to generate healing energy, is what I mean by ritual. The moving around of the hands is not really necessary but it acts as a Beta channel.
The most exciting action you can take to send a Beta message is one we normally take for granted: The act of talking generates Beta messages. The power of the human voice carries Beta signals. This also works the other way around. When someone is talking to you they are sending you Beta messages.
Remember, Beta messages contain other messages within them. When someone speaks to me, I get empathic impressions from their voice and their choice of words. This is an area you can grow strong in as you advance in your development as an empath.
Last, but definitely not least, what you could call the "most empathic" level of Beta. It is only the "most empathic" level in the traditional sense of what we think of as empathic or even "psychic". Since Beta is essentially your body/mind, messages that originate from within your unconscious, from the inner empathic, are felt within your body. This form of Beta message takes the form of physical sensations and changes. Empaths are all about feeling: not just emotionally but through physical states as well.
These Beta messages can be through: an increase or decrease in body temperature, an increase or decrease in physical tension (such as around the stomach area), specific sensations on the skin, tingling or pain in the body, an increase or decrease in sense of weightiness (suddenly feeling heavier and slower, or feeling lighter and faster), and so on.
Beta is the level of "gut reactions," bodily responses to empathic perceptions. You may not be consciously aware of what your body is responding to at first. Many years ago I was at a Laundromat when this man walked in and sat down in a chair. There were plenty of other people there and I had no response to them. But when he walked in my whole body suddenly felt very heavy and slow. My stomach was tightening and my whole body suddenly seemed to be rebelling against me.
When I looked at the man or was near him the feeling intensified. From the immediate Beta level, what was visible to my eyes, he did not appear to stand out from any of the other people in the Laundromat. Nevertheless, I could not stand to be around him. I grabbed my clothes out of the washing machine and took them home wet. I did not know why I had to leave but knew enough to trust what my body was telling me.
A week later I was driving down the road when an unmarked police car pulled me over. I wasn't speeding and didn't have a clue why they were pulling me over. A detective came up to my car window and mentioned my name and address, and asked if I was that person. I said that I was. He then pulled out a photograph and asked me if I had ever seen the person in the picture. Guess who it was! You got it, the man from the Laundromat!
It turns out that he was waiting in the Laundromat to get up the nerve to rob the bank right next to it. He was armed and dangerous. You might be wondering how the detectives knew I had been at the Laundromat. Could they be Empaths as well? It turns out that I had thrown away some mail at the Laundromat, which of course, had my address on it. They had gone through the trash after the robbery looking for clues.
The moral of the story is: your body is just as much a part of your empathic mind as any other part. Pay attention to feelings and responses within your body. When someone is intending to do harm or has a strong potential to do harm, they are sending out intense Beta signals.
Beta messages through the body are especially strong when there is danger or imminent threat near you. I personally believe that empathic abilities are natural skills primarily developed for the purposes of safety and protection. Eventually our culture will recognize that and we will develop greater means of protection and security.
Although Beta messages through the body tend to be uniquely patterned around the individual, there are some general patterns for you to learn. The most consistent pattern deals with feelings of expansiveness versus feelings of contraction.
Feelings of contraction, drawing in, closing up, tightening, usually occur in response to a negative or harmful influence. It can be from the presence of danger or from the presence of something or someone you just do not like. How your body responds to your environment is determined by your perceptions, beliefs, and general feelings.
Feelings of expansion, opening up, relaxing, usually occur in response to a positive or pleasant influence. Some people begin to feel "giddy", restless, or excited before receiving some good news or encountering a much-desired event or person.
Areas of empathic sensitivity vary from person to person, but common areas for Beta body messages are the
  • temples & forehead,
  • the back of the neck,
  • the throat,
  • the chest,
  • and the stomach.
Pretty much down the center of the body following the path of the spine. The spine carries the central nervous system down from the brain to the rest of the body and serves as the pathway for empathic information.
Some empathic traditions of yoga have identified seven empathic centers in the spine. These seven centers have been called "chakras." The way people tend to receive Beta body messages along the center of the body appears to correlate fairly well with the idea of the seven empathic centers.
The Tattwas, like the for example, are said to be geometric shapes that are genetically programmed into the central nervous system that stimulate the empathic centers. Visually focusing on a given Tattwa or visualizing a Tattwa, is said to stimulate the particular energy of that shape. The yellow square is related to Beta energy, which is how empathic information is generated externally and received internally through the body.
At this point you should have an initial understanding of Beta, the first letter of the empathic alphabet. Remember, you are learning the alphabet first. As you learn the other four empathic letters, your understanding will grow as you see how they combine and interact to form the empathic language.
Through Beta you can see that your very environment speaks to you in Dreamtongue, a silent language that forms from the actions, events, and objects around you. To an empath the movement of the world itself is poetry, is a language far beyond words and ideas.
I have talked to you about getting signals from the actions and words of people, but the fullness of Dreamtongue comes from looking at a beautiful sky, a sunset over water, a field of wild flowers, an intense thunderstorm, etc. When you begin to observe the world around you, listening to what it is saying to you, you will begin to hear the language of Dreamtongue.
In hearing the language you will also feel it. In feeling the empathic language you will learn to interpret it and to speak it. I wrote the Book of Storms in dreamtongue language and continue to be amazed by the power of it

The Book Of Storms Jodoa Tai Alexander ~ Stage Three ~ Developing Empathic Awareness

Beta is the first level of the empathic language. This stage introduces you to plugging your five primary senses into available empathic information. Remember the sleeping empathic within you is functionally separate from your conscious mind and does not normally use your primary senses. To the empathic within you, Beta is the outer world, the surface world, the outermost regions of your psyche.
For all practical purposes Beta is everything that is perceived by your eyes, ears, nose, taste buds, touch, etc. You are in a Beta state when you are awake and alert. A Beta state occurs as you are generating an abundance of brain wave cycles per second. The more active you are the more brain waves you can generate.
You might want to call Beta the "nonempathic" level, but don't. There is no such thing as a nonempathic level. Empathic phenomenon occurs because of an innate connectedness between all things, especially living things. Due to the fact that your primary senses are active in Beta, your brain has been conditioned to rely on those senses for survival.
Your primary senses are your outermost senses but they, too, have deep roots in the unconscious. Through the Beta stage of your training you will learn to use what your outermost senses provide in order to interpret empathic information.
Beta is you as a whole solid entity with mass, density, weight, etc. The empathic part of Beta is actually your eyes, ears, nose, etc.; empathic because these organs take signals in to your interior world, your psyche. They are essentially gateways to your inner world. These gateways are limited by their physical dimensions but are very practical tools.
The limitation of those senses is represented by the yellow square of Beta . The yellow is light, awareness, boxed in on four sides. The four sides indicate an orientation to the physical world by representing north, south, east, and west in their respective places.
All of this information sounds very fundamental and elementary – and it is. But if you make an effort to learn it you will be prepared for more complex courses that provide truly amazing insight into empathic functioning.
Since information from the primary senses is dominant at the Beta level for most people, information from the innermost senses hides behind the conscious mind. As you will learn, the innermost senses are Alpha, Theta, and Delta. The omniscient Gamma mind, which you possess, cannot really be described as a sense.
At the Beta level information from your primary senses floods your brain on a continuous basis, keeping your awareness busy most of the time. Direct empathic information, information that is not apparent to your primary senses, is typically drowned out by all the activity in your waking mind. All the activity in your waking mind is a form of "mental noise," which is almost always louder than your dream voice. The dream voice is always present and always available.
Your dream voice is simply your empathic awareness at the Beta level. It is the connecting point between your innermost and outermost senses. Beta is then, the vehicle for the entire process. This makes Beta VERY important: not something to avoid, skirt around, or ignore. Instead Beta is your key to powerful empathic functioning.
Now let's wrap the previous two paragraphs together. Beta is the vehicle for the entire empathic process and that vehicle is your full body/mind system. Beta is the receiver and the sender of information. The Beta senses are constrained by physical limitations but are rooted in the deeper senses, which have no physical constraints.
Your body is your Beta level. Your waking mind is your Beta level. Other than empathic dreaming, much of your empathic work will occur while you are in Beta, or are awake. To become an active empathic, you must connect your normal waking state with your empathic nature. You do this by understanding the nature of Beta and by understanding that empathic information is available through sensory information.
To understand how empathic information is available through sensory information requires rethinking some more beliefs about empathic abilities. In working with students to open their own empathic channels, I often have them do an exercise where one class member stands in front of the group while the rest attempt to retrieve empathic information about that person.
Frequently students express concern that impressions they have come from what they can see and are therefore logical conclusions or guesses. Usually they spend so much time trying to avoid sensory information and guessing that they do not tap into their empathic impressions. The point of understanding the Beta level is that you can take any Beta message (sensory input) and follow it like a thread until you go to deeper levels and discover empathic information.
For example, a woman once stood before the class who had several qualities that some people in the class associated with being a nurse. They said that her shoes, her haircut, and her overall demeanor somehow made them think that she was a nurse. The people who were arguing within themselves that this conclusion was the result of obvious signs as well as guessing, could get no further information. They were putting too much effort into resisting their primary senses.
There were others who followed their sensory information and traveled into deeper territory. Someone saw a yellow sweater, even though she was not wearing anything yellow. Someone else saw fire all around her and two small children. After the session she told us that her and her two siblings were rescued from a fire when they were young, and yes, she received a yellow sweater as a present only days before this class.
The point is to not discount sensory information. It is the beginning of a train of information that is available to you. Remember that empathic language works through association. You can follow sensory information by first acknowledging it, not by resisting it. Then allow associations to form around those perceptions.
If you see someone slumped over and visibly unhappy, then recognize that conclusion as a Beta message, the first level of empathic language. Associations and impressions will then begin to form and as you examine those associations you are following that information down into deeper levels of perception.
What we have established so far is that: A Beta message is any signal picked up by your primary senses. In the same way that your body is your Beta, the vehicle for your entire empathic process, a Beta message is the vehicle for an entire empathic message.
If you are into highlighting, highlight the sentence you just read. It is a place to focus your awareness, and that focus acts like a magnet attracting associations. Those associations act as links to deeper senses. When you make associations and observe the impressions you get from them, you are following information to deeper levels. You are traveling into your unconscious, where your awareness is the flashlight.
When you see a person who is visibly sad or feeling bad in some way your first impression is the Beta message. At this point you may make an association of someone breaking up in a relationship. That does not mean that the sad person has just broken up with someone, although it can. What it means is that you have started a flow of associations. By starting that flow you begin to connect with that person empathically.
One of the most important points I can share with you about empathic perceptions is that they are more likely to occur when there is a specific need for them to occur. If the sad person who you saw was in significant distress and needed help that you could offer, your flow of associations would rapidly take you to that conclusion: to help. If you know the person and they are significant in your life, the chance of getting specific information is greater. The need is established by the relationship or by the level of distress.
The use of divination tools is another form of Beta messages. The use of tarot cards, for example, is a way to utilize your Beta abilities. The cards serve as visible objects where you can focus your mind and make empathic associations.
You will learn more about the use of tools in lesson seven.
At the Beta stage it is important to be alert, aware, and observant. The greater your ability to concentrate and focus, the greater your mastery of Beta will be. Pay attention to details without getting hung up on them. Take in your environment with open awareness.
Here is a personal example of how I have used Beta messages for my own situation. Once when my daughter was about two years old, my wife and I had taken her to a park. While my wife was pushing my daughter on a swing, I did my usual "Beta sweep" of the park, concerned about any potential safety problems, in a park that occasionally has transients hanging about.
With heightened awareness I simply did a gradual 360-degree turn, taking in everything my senses could determine. I looked at the people, the trees, the cars, anything that came into vision. In my sweep I saw a woman walking on a distant sidewalk. From the visible level she appeared to be a fairly young, well-dressed, average woman walking through the park. But that Beta message was filled with something else. I began associating negative or unusual feelings to her.
From the visual level there was nothing wrong with her appearance or her activity. Still a red flag went up inside of me once I caught sight of her. She was far enough away that I could watch her without being rude. The negative feeling inside of me kept getting stronger, like a radar signal that was strengthening. I watched as the woman walked around the park and then turned, heading straight towards us. At this point my dream voice was saying "red alert, red alert," but there was nothing obvious to go by.
The woman walked right up to me. Once I could see her eyes I saw that she appeared distressed, confused, and possibly very unstable. Her body movements were slightly distorted as she pointed to my child in the swing and asked, " Are you the father of that child?" I simply answered, "Yes, I am." She did not appear to believe me for some reason. She asked, "Are you sure?" I reassured her that I was the father of that child.
She made an odd face and then marched off to another couple with a baby. We never did know for certain what she was up to or what was wrong with her but received ample warning to be on the alert for her. It is my educated opinion that empathic abilities work best when there is danger or urgency involved in a situation.
I shared this example with you to illustrate how a Beta message, something I saw with my eyes, led to a deeper message (alpha). The more you are aware of what you see, hear, smell, and touch, the more you will be able to link your senses to your empathic awareness.
Don't wait for some mysterious message or feeling to emerge in order to retrieve empathic information. Simply look around you. Feel the environment around you with your eyes. Do not put sensory information in a category separate from empathic information. It is all one and the same, it's all information. Empathic information can be enhanced by sensory information and sensory information can be enhanced by empathic information.
At times sensory information and imagination act as a form of mental noise that makes it hard for the beginning empath to process empathic information. Strong emotional states can interfere with empathic reception. Imagined fears and intense desires are also at work within your psyche.
This type of interference, or mental noise, is discussed in Lesson Five. Learning how to discern empathic impressions from mental noise comes from practice, experience, and increasing the connection with your inner empathic. Now, on to deeper levels of Beta.
Beta relates to empathic activity expressed through the physical body. Not only through the physical senses but also through physical states. These states can be electrical, chemical, or nuclear.
Empathic energy, or internally generated energy (innergy) is always present within you. This energy can impact your physical, emotional, and mental state. It can also impact the physical, emotional, and mental state of another person.
Whenever you extend your empathic energy outside of yourself to another person or an object, this activity is called psychokinesis or telekinesis. Psychokinesis is intentionally sent Beta energy. The origin of that intent can be either conscious or unconscious.
Unfortunately, movies and television have imprinted on most people the image of psychokinesis (PK) as lifting large objects with the mind and flinging them across a room. The dramatic portrayals of PK as superhuman and supernatural make it seem to be the most unlikely of all empathic abilities. Yet it is very human and very accessible by anyone.
The best application for PK is through what has been popularly called empathic healing. If you concentrate on another person you can send your own empathic energy to that person. There are many people in the world who have devoted themselves to the idea of healing and helping others. They have trained and conditioned their empathic energy to work with thoughts of repair, regeneration, healing, love, and compassion.
When a healing empath concentrates on another person she is sending Beta messages of healing, love, and compassion. For a healer to do this, their own body fills up with the healing energy, their Beta state, with energy of love, healing, and compassion until it over flows and transfers to another person. Which leads to another important point.
Can empathic energy be used to generate harm or negativity? First, look at how the process works. The sender would have to first fill up with harmful and negative energy until it overflowed. They would then have to be capable of directing that energy to another person while consumed with the negativity.
Who would be the first victim of such an attack? You guessed it, the sender. It is not impossible but the sender pays a great cost and is consumed by the energy before being able to send it.