The Basics of Empathic Language
Dreamtongue is the language of the unconscious, the language of dreams and the empathic levels of the mind. Here I want to give you working definitions of the terms conscious and unconscious. This is the foundation of the language.
The conscious mind is the part of you that uses words to think and to deal with information. The conscious mind involves all those things of which you are aware at any given moment. The normal flow of the conscious mind deals with sensory input from the eyes, ears, nose, taste buds, and sense of touch.
The conscious mind is synthesized from the verbal centers of the brain, the language centers. Any thought or perception organized by words, by language, and, of which you are aware, is occurring in your conscious mind.
Remember the analogy that your waking mind is the Sun? The Sun provides light and light is awareness. When you become aware of something it has entered your conscious mind.
The unconscious mind deals with information as well but does not directly use words. You process stimuli without words and it is this processing that I am referring to as the unconscious. It is still possible to receive information without being aware of it. The classic example is that you can be sitting in a room with a clock ticking and not be aware of the sound. Your ears still pick up the sound but you are not paying attention to it, therefore no thought is attached to it. In other words, it does not enter your conscious mind.
Another example might be that subtle shifts in temperature and motion occur when someone is walking up from behind you, but you are not consciously aware of that person. Your own body chemistry and nervous system may respond to those shifts but no thought is attached to them. You are then receiving information about a person coming up behind you but not from what you see or hear directly. This information is being processed through your unconscious mind, your nonverbal centers.
The potential for receiving information in this way is proprioception. Some people have used proprioception to explain away empathic abilities but in so doing they are throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Proprioception is just the tip of the iceberg, the tip of the unconscious mind.
The unconscious goes much deeper than proprioception. Anything that is occurring within your body is part of your unconscious. In fact, to truly understand and define the unconscious would be to say that your body itself is the unconscious!
You are all mind and all body. There is no separation from the two. Once you work with that understanding you will be amazed at how much empathic information has been knocking at your door, just waiting for you to open that door! The world of infinite possibilities opens up when you understand that mind and body are one thing. Yet our language cuts the two in apart no matter how carefully we choose our words.
Just as the conscious mind links to the verbal centers of the brain, the unconscious links into the associational centers. The associational centers are more like the memory of things seen or the memory of things heard, rather than being involved with actual seeing and hearing.
Now this is important: the associational centers form the channel between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. This is the place where the small still voice within originates. The dialogue inside of this channel is the dream voice, the place where Dreamtongue occurs.
To break these definitions of conscious and unconscious down into usable forms I will say the following: The conscious mind communicates with words as language; the unconscious mind communicates with associations as language.
When you look at a decorated Christmas tree your senses tell you that it is a green tree with objects attached to it. It is probably not doing anything other than holding still and blinking with small lights. Yet, a deeper perception of the tree is occurring involving all types of feelings that are the result of associations.
When you look at a Christmas tree you do not just see a tree with objects on it, you see Christmas past and present, you have many feelings of all sorts, you associate it with all types of experiences.
Since you have probably had a lot of practice with responding to Christmas trees, most of your associations to the tree flow readily into your conscious mind. When you are not aware of those associations they remain dormant in your unconscious.
Empathic information, by definition, originates within your unconscious. It usually stays there unless it creates an impulse strong enough to surface in some fashion. Empathic information does not have the direct link to sight and hearing as does sensory information.
Sensory information communicates to you externally then is taken internally for processing. Empathic information works exactly the opposite. Empathic information originates internally and then can be communicated externally. Empathic information is by definition, always a response to something
Too often people try to measure empathic information by the same standards as sensory information. It is equivalent to the fellow looking for his keys under the lamp because there is more light. It does not work to treat empathic information and sensory information as the same phenomenon. Therefore you cannot use the same instruments or procedures to measure them.
Dreamtongue is the language of the unconscious, the language of dreams, of symbols and associations, of archetypes, and the levels of empathic awareness. It is a language rich in meaning and impact on our lives. Normal verbal language is very limited by comparison.
Dreamtongue is like communicating in holograms. A hologram is a special type of photography that produces a three dimensional image. If the photographic plate is shattered into pieces, each piece is capable of producing the full three dimensional image of the original. Each piece contains the essence of the whole.
Advanced theorists in science and philosophy have proposed that the universe itself is one singular hologram of which we are all a part. Each part then contains the essence of the whole. Dreamtongue speaks with symbols and associations that are in effect holograms. Any part of Dreamtongue contains the essence of every other part, so if you only get a tiny bit of information, that tiny bit contains the entire message. With all of this said, Dreamtongue is remarkably simple and beautiful.
After many years of working with my own empathic perceptions and those of my students I have discovered that there are five primary levels of empathic perception. These five levels constitute the "grammar" of Dreamtongue. Just as in verbal language there are nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc., in Dreamtongue there are betas, thetas, alphas, etc. Learning about these levels and the "mechanics" of the language will help you speak and interpret the language. I also refer to these categories as the "alphabet" for intuitive language, emphasizing the holographic interchangeability within each piece of information.
Yet it is not imperative that you memorize the structure and parts of Dreamtongue, unless you want to teach Dreamtongue. Once you begin working with it you will find that it is a "living" force which empowers you naturally. It is your own natural language, coming from your heart, your soul, and all levels of your being. So study the parts and mechanics but do not be bogged down by the words. The words are to help your conscious mind become more open and receptive to empathic language.
In this lesson you will pass through stage two of your preliminary training by learning about the five primary empathic levels and the types of communication that originates from each level. Throughout this course you will learn each distinctive level and then by stage eight you will learn how each level weaves into the amazing empathic language of Dreamtongue.
The Five Levels of Dreamtongue
In normal language you learn parts of speech and the rules for using the language. First you learn the alphabet, then small words, then more words, and eventually how to put the words together.Learning about the five levels of Dreamtongue is just like learning the empathic alphabet. The empathic alphabet is simpler because it only has five letters! These five letters also constitute a set of "grammar rules" for the flow of Dreamtongue.
Sounds incredible that such a powerful language has only five letters, but remember that the language is holographic. An entire message is available in one bit of information. To make the empathic alphabet usable by the conscious mind I have used Greek letters to describe them. Please note: I am not utilizing the Greek letters to parallel any other system which also refers to Greek letters.
The five letters of the empathic alphabet are (in order): Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, and Gamma. It is not important here to know the actual Greek letters for we are not talking normal written language. Remember Dreamtongue works by associations, not by literal definition.
To keep these five letters distinct as empathic language I have paired or associated them with five images from a traditional empathic teaching, the five Tattwas from the Tibetan magickal traditions. This association comes from my efforts to weave together the fine connection between Eastern and Western insight through the field of Empath Psychology. Dreamtongue has it's roots in Eastern and Western Mysticicism, serious metaphysical schools of thought and philosophy, and especially Transpersonal Psychology.
If you continue your study and progress into a detailed analysis of the Chakra system, you will find the associations between the five empathic levels and the Chakras to be quite profound.
The association between the brain wave patterns, the empathic levels, and the Tattwa symbols may seem arbitrary at first, but one you have a solid grasp of those symbols you will be ready to learn an amazing silent language.
The Basics:
Beta -- is symbolized by the yellow square TattwaAlpha -- is symbolized by the silver crescent Tattwa
Theta -- is symbolized by the red triangle Tattwa
Delta -- is symbolized by the blue circle Tattwa
Gamma -- is symbolized by the purple oval Tattwa
Now you have the five letters of the empathic alphabet. At this point they have no real meaning to you. When you first learned your ABC's you simply copied them down or recited them because the teacher asked you to do so. Eventually you found out that you put the letters together to spell the words you use.
Dreamtongue originates from how your mind/body whole communicates and functions. Next I have tied the empathic alphabet into brain waves. Brain waves change as your activity and state of being changes. There are four general levels of brain waves that relate to the empathic alphabet and a fifth category which is unique to Dreamtongue.

Beta (association: yellow square)
When the brain is aroused and actively engaged in cognitive or mental activities, it generates beta waves. Beta waves are of relatively low amplitude, and are the fastest of the four different brainwaves. The frequency of beta waves ranges from 15 to 40 cycles a second. The level of brain wave activity for each state is not critical information here. I mention it just to show that the brain does divide into levels of functioning but mainly to show that we are using symbolic associations for those levels, rather than scientific measures. I encourage research into brain wave activities if you wish to advance your studies.
When you are actively engaged in a conversation you are generating beta waves. A person delivering a passionate speech is in a high beta state. In Dreamtongue, Beta is your conscious waking state. The more active and alert you are the more Beta you generate. Beta is the mainframe for the software in your brain, in other words, the "foundation" for your conscious mind.

Alpha (association: silver crescent)
Alpha brainwaves are slower and higher in amplitude. Their frequency ranges from 9 to 14 cycles per second. You are generating alphas when you relax, are near day dreaming, near sleep, or just entering sleep.
The most intense Alpha state is the hynogogic state, which is right before you fall asleep. Alpha is fertile ground for empathic receptivity; it is the primary channel of empathic awareness.

Theta (association: red triangle)
Theta brainwaves, are typically of even greater amplitude and slower frequency than Alpha waves. This frequency range is normally between 5 and 8 cycles a second. You normally only generate thetas when you are in deep sleep or in the middle of a powerful meditation.
The R.E.M (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep and dreaming are associated with Theta. Theta is the inner screen upon which you view empathic information and imagery.

Delta brainwaves are of the greatest amplitude and slowest frequency. They typically range from 1.5 to 4 cycles per second. Typically, 2 to 3 cycles a second.
You generate deltas when you are in deep dreamless sleep, so deep that it would be difficult to wake you. It is also possible to generate deltas when you are in profound states of meditation and altered states of consciousness. Fully actualized and trained Empaths can generate a Delta state with their eyes open.

Gamma is distinct from the above four states. Delta involves brain waves at 1 to 4 cycles per second. So it seems we have run out of brain waves doesn't it?
Gamma is not associated with specific brain wave states; rather it is the source state of consciousness. It is the potential for consciousness and the potential for any brain wave state. It is the holographic potential of the mind expressed as a unified field, the mental equivalent of "implicate order" a concept you will be introduced to in later lessons.
Gamma is the source of consciousness which eludes the microscope and the trained eye. You generate gamma simply by "being". Gamma is not identified in other systems, it is unique to Dreamtongue.
Beta is related to empathic activity expressed through the physical body and through physical objects. Beta events are psychokinesis, mind over matter, influence by thought, moving objects with the mind, etc.Let's look at what you have learned so far. There are five letters of the empathic alphabet. Each one is labeled with a Greek letter. Each letter is symbolized by a Tattwa symbol. Each symbol relates roughly to a brain wave state. The final part of this lesson ties in specific types of empathic functioning related to each empathic letter.
What normally comes to mind with Beta events are images of someone willing the needle of a compass to move, or bending spoons, or the more dramatic idea of levitation. Yet psychokinesis or telekinesis is better understood through phenomenon like empathic healing.
The ability of your empathic mind to influence your own body and the body of another better captures the nature of Beta. Beta messages are discussed in the following chapter.
Alpha is related to general empathic sensitivity. The Alpha state is a more receptive state than Beta. Beta "generates," Alpha 'receives." In Beta the waking mind you are more in a state of generating or sending out signals. In the Alpha state you are opening up your awareness to greater degrees of receptivity.
In Alpha you become more aware of internal signals and can better focus on your dream voice. You are tuning out some of the outside world and are listening in to the internal word of the unconscious.
The Alpha level relates to generalized types of empathic functioning like sensing emotions, sensing danger, unusual feelings that are "signals", general or vague intuition, hunches, and feelings in general are Alpha messages.
Theta is what I like to call "psychic" central. It is the place where empathic information is processed. When you are asleep and dreaming a vivid dream you are in a Theta state and in that state empathic information is woven into the fabric of the dream.
Theta involves mind to mind communication, or telepathy. Telepathy is when two people speak Dreamtongue to each other at the Theta level. Telepathy is possible between all living things plant or animal. Telepathy involves the process of listening or empathic hearing.
It is not a matter of "reading another person's mind," which is more of a stage trick. It is the result of two or more nervous systems becoming synchronized or linked in some fashion. The communication can involve thinking the same or similar thoughts or having the same feelings, physical or emotional. Theta is the "point" where we connect with others.
Delta is the source of all the empathic information that is processed in Theta. Here information exists as holograms, composites, and gestalts. Delta is related to the very function of empathic perceiving. It is the level of empathic vision or "clairvoyance."
Here information comes as pictures, images, and symbols, all which contain information that can be translated into feelings, thoughts, and words. Delta is the sleeping Empath within you. Sleeping because it is shut off from the senses but very active and very powerful within your unconscious.
Gamma is the level that baffles everyone and even eludes the serious researchers of parapsychology. Gamma is the place beyond all of our senses and awareness. From Gamma comes perception of future and past events. It cannot be clearly defined nor can it be fully controlled.
The previous four levels of empathic functioning relate to the interconnectedness between living things. The abilities of precognition, seeing into the future, and retrocognition, seeing into the past, result from an understanding of existence that is not available to our conscious minds. Although a veritable universe of speculation exists in this area, I encourage you to keep an open mind with regards to explaining Gamma phenomenon.
At the Gamma level we enter the world of metaphysical and spiritual knowledge, something that best communicated through Dreamtongue, through symbols, myths, archetypes, ideas, and associations. Dreamtongue involves at first a deep understanding and connection with Gamma, then in the advanced stages, it involves a very careful and deliberate use of words and images to evoke and process information.
All five levels of empathic functioning do not occur independently of each other. They are all happening at the same time within you right now. You learn them separately but eventually you merge your understanding of them all working in unison. The Delta state is active within you right now even though you are not in a deep sleep, but it is active in the unconscious.
Each part of your self communicates with every other part creating a continuous flow of Dreamtongue. In the following chapters you will learn how to understand and develop each level so that you too will learn the exquisite nature of empathic language.
Stage Two Review
1. The goal of stage two is to educate yourself about the basics of empathic language.2. The conscious mind communicates with words for language. The unconscious mind communicates with associations through symbols, images, archetypes, and feelings.
3. There are five "letters" to the empathic alphabet. Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, and Gamma. These letters also act as "rules of grammar" for understanding the flow of Dreamtongue.
4. The five letters are symbolized by Tibetan Tattwas: the yellow square for Beta, the silver crescent for Alpha, the red triangle for Theta, the blue circle for Delta, and the purple oval for Gamma. This association provides a geometric link, or visual dimension to Dreamtongue.
The five letters represent the five levels of empathic functioning which are related to brain wave functions and empathic functions:
- Beta: rapid brain waves, mind over matter; the continuum between consciousness and matter.
- Alpha: relaxed, relaxing brain waves; empathic sensitivity, psychometry, blind sensing, intuition.
- Theta: REM brainwaves, telepathy, empathic dreams, empathic hearing.
- Delta: profoundly slow, deep brain waves, empathic source, empathic seeing (clairvoyance).
- Gamma: pure consciousness as unified field
effect, precognition, retrocognition.
Becoming a fully actualized Empath involves a total integration of the personality with one's abilities and the understanding of one's abilities. To become an awakened Empath is to "become whole", first and foremost. So the subject of psychic phenomenon is not treated as a separate category in this beginning course.
Ø Keypoint: Now, to reach amazing levels of empathic awareness within yourself, I want you to stop thinking of intuition and psychic perception as "abilities," and start thinking of them as a form of language. This is the secret discovered by my work in the School of Empath Psychology. This is what will accelerate your learning and your development as a fully actualized Empath.NOTE: If you have made good use of this lesson please share your experience with others in the group. Examples can be the best conduits for learning.
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