Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Empaths who learn to block

Empaths who learn to block

Why would an Empath who loves to feel have any desire to block it out? When I was a kid, I would say the one thing I hated about myself was how weak and scared I was. I knew at a young age that my parents were no help. My mother was the center of all nerves, yes she is an empath. My father is not, and I know they drove each other crazy, but what they weren't aware of, was how torturous I found these emotions to be. Fear mostly, then sadness over losing a pet or moving away.

 When my parents both would cry over a dead pet, I now know that my mother was the dominating emotion in the room, but I saw it as two people not being able to handle seeing an animal die! They would never get over it, maybe I would never get over either. As an adult I feared situations where animals may be hurt. I had a dog get hit by a truck and die, needless to say I am forever a dog lover.

I learned how to block not only because I hated feeling nearly suicidal over the loss of an animal, but because I had been reading people my entire life and discovered that people lie without remorse and feel without pain. Lots of people especially woman can cry at will, then they can con an unsuspecting empath who only tries to help.

I have been used and manipulated by people I call psychopaths. The manipulation, always feeling weak minded, getting used and ripped off by people, feeling sad and helpless, are all reasons why a part of me learned how to filter out the liars and make blocking easy so I can analyze with my intellect how to handle a situation. 

I have to say it has helped me in so many ways, I am so much more intuitive and I can see very deeply into people so I don't get hurt by them, however, I still feel hurt when I see lies. I still have issues about people being weak and letting others walk all over them, but I am a hippo-crate because I am the same way.

Walking the block

If you are an Empath who struggles, I suggest you seek help. It is very important to deal with any issue in the present rather than the future. Remember, you are only learning to block those who desire to steal or do you harm, you are not giving up on anyone.

  • self help or self improvement programs- anything that deals with anxiety and depression can help you.
  • Guilt- Most self help talks about guilt, you need to learn how to recognize a guilt trip when it comes.
  • Study how to use both the left and the right side of your brain. Most people do not.
  • Finally, read the Book of Storms, lessons in dreamtongue. I am, it will help you strengthen every empathic sense you have. 
     And please do not give up, you are invaluable and will be stronger than most people around you. Not every Empath has our level of intuition, that is why you who read this must strengthen your gift. We are all teachers and students of this world.

  Remember  the one Empath who cares the most about you is Jesus.

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