Above this is a link for the Empath test. The results are given immediately, along with a title and a fantasy picture. I've taken the test twice now, both times the results were slightly different because of my answers to a few of the questions. Below is the picture I received with my test results today.
I think most Empaths who take the test can agree that we can all come up with a better one. I'm sure most of my readers will come from Spell of Magic.com, but in case you have never been to that website before, check it out if you like witch craft and magic. Most of us go to SoM to make friends with like minded people. My user name is Goldie4light.
I have always been well aware I was different, (so sorry for the cliche'), but I didn't really know there was a name for it, or that my mother and her choice to get me put on SSI at age 18 was probably because she was and still is an Empath who most likely couldn't handle the energy I naturally tend to throw out when I'm upset or excited, lol.
I am going to list some Empath traits that my mother and I both had when I was growing up. It's not fun to be a child or a parent who is an Empath and not realize it. But having an Empath parent or God forbid two Empath parents, (my dad is not), raising an Empath child and not know they are Empaths can be like dousing a fire with gasoline. Empath parents are way too over protective and neurotic when their Empath traits are not controlled.
Empath parents; Traits and signs to look for.
Obsessed with having the latest in spy apps so they can monitor their kids phone and computer activity. Not all parents who do this are Empaths, some may also be control freaks, or both.
DRAMA QUEENS AND DRAMA KINGS. When junior does something wrong no matter how small it is, the response from Mom or Dad is always overly dramatic.
When Empath parents cross with their Empath teens, OMG, I remember how messed up that got for me because both parent and teen are thinking how well they know the other person, that's when people usually butt heads. The Empath parent may allow a kid to drop out of school or do something most parents wouldn't because it is the easiest way of dealing with it.
Some people may be outside observers and think the parent puts fearful thoughts into their kids head when all they are trying to do is emotionally connect with their child who would now be naturally pulling away.
Empath parents find it difficult to teach their kids how to be assertive. Now if the parent doesn't know what's wrong with their child, they could be diagnosed with all sorts of things like ADHD/ADD, Bipolar.
Above this is a link for the Empath test. The results are given immediately, along with a title and a fantasy picture. I've taken the test twice now, both times the results were slightly different because of my answers to a few of the questions. Below is the picture I received with my test results today.

I think most Empaths who take the test can agree that we can all come up with a better one. I'm sure most of my readers will come from Spell of Magic.com, but in case you have never been to that website before, check it out if you like witch craft and magic. Most of us go to SoM to make friends with like minded people. My user name is Goldie4light.
I have always been well aware I was different, (so sorry for the cliche'), but I didn't really know there was a name for it, or that my mother and her choice to get me put on SSI at age 18 was probably because she was and still is an Empath who most likely couldn't handle the energy I naturally tend to throw out when I'm upset or excited, lol.
I am going to list some Empath traits that my mother and I both had when I was growing up. It's not fun to be a child or a parent who is an Empath and not realize it. But having an Empath parent or God forbid two Empath parents, (my dad is not), raising an Empath child and not know they are Empaths can be like dousing a fire with gasoline. Empath parents are way too over protective and neurotic when their Empath traits are not controlled.
Empath parents; Traits and signs to look for.
Obsessed with having the latest in spy apps so they can monitor their kids phone and computer activity. Not all parents who do this are Empaths, some may also be control freaks, or both.
DRAMA QUEENS AND DRAMA KINGS. When junior does something wrong no matter how small it is, the response from Mom or Dad is always overly dramatic.
When Empath parents cross with their Empath teens, OMG, I remember how messed up that got for me because both parent and teen are thinking how well they know the other person, that's when people usually butt heads. The Empath parent may allow a kid to drop out of school or do something most parents wouldn't because it is the easiest way of dealing with it.
Some people may be outside observers and think the parent puts fearful thoughts into their kids head when all they are trying to do is emotionally connect with their child who would now be naturally pulling away.
Empath parents find it difficult to teach their kids how to be assertive. Now if the parent doesn't know what's wrong with their child, they could be diagnosed with all sorts of things like ADHD/ADD, Bipolar.
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