Thursday, February 27, 2014

Beauty and the Malevolent Beast

The Angel fell and lost his wings,
his moans of painful fire he sings.
The beauty left his face and fell,
it is no more with him in hell.
  He sees the beauty people bring,
he cringes as they laugh and sing.
"No More!" He screams. "I will not hear!"
"The painful sounds of love and cheer."
  "If I can't love, then I will hate,
their beauty will be mine to take."
"I'll take their hope and make it grim,
I'll laugh, and laugh and watch them sin."
  "Ill take a rose and make it piss,
just like the snake will bite and hiss."
"The mask of beauty they will see,
yet all the while, they'll follow me."
  "Just like the piper leads the rats,
I tell you, I wear many hats. I am
the bitch who loves to lie, or the
communist who loves to spy."
  "Religion I've tried to make my own,
and turn it to CONFUSION ZONE."
"The good I say will meet their match.
My minions fail? They'll feel my wrath!"
  "The Narcissist will love to mess with
Empaths, (ones that I detest).  They
are the ones I hate the most, they never
hate and barely boast."
  "Are they the ones I knew so well? The
ones that pushed me down to hell? He
knew that I could never be, so nice and
kind inside like he."
 "So here in hell I sit and wait, to watch
some fall, it is my fate. I once was beauty,
now I'm not, my face is death and nasty
  "Each one who falls, I get my feast, since
beauty is the malevolent beast."

Interpreting Dreamtongue Section 4: The Language Of Delta

Interpreting Dreamtongue

Section 4: The Language Of Delta

Delta Language is the level of pictures, images, forms, shapes, and patterns. This is the "world of the empathic," the stuff from which movies are made. Profound levels of empathic functioning occur at this level and exist within all people. Yet the level is so remote from our conscious minds that it seems unreal to most people. The most representative skill of Delta is called remote viewing. The Delta skill of remote viewing involves seeing actual things but Delta language involves both actual and symbolic imagery. Delta is visual language in all of its forms.
"Seeing What The Killer Sees" (the Beta of Delta) is a phrase that really gets your attention, doesn't it? The Beta level of visual language is the favorite level of Hollywood films. There have been numerous films and TV shows where someone can see through the eyes of a killer and has to somehow stop them. Well, I hope you never have to deal with such an experience unless you are looking for it.
Signals from this level involve directly seeing what another person is seeing through your own inner vision. Although empathic vision often appears represented as dramatic and sensational, seeing what another person is seeing is more likely to occur in a very ordinary context.
Once my wife had gone to a nearby grocery to pick up a few items. After a half an hour went by I expected her to be home any minute. Well, another half hour went by and she wasn't home. So I was a little concerned. Another half hour went by and she still wasn't home, so I was getting very concerned. I decided to make a telepathic link with her by focusing on her.
I focused all my thoughts on her with the intent of knowing where she was at or what she was doing, primarily to know that she was okay. Within a few minutes I saw clothing items and the inside of a store. I could see her hands holding up some pants and then setting them back down again. At the Alpha level I felt a sense of calm and reassurance. When she came home she told me she had gone to the clothing store and was looking at some pants. Not quite as exciting as tracking a killer, but hey, it can come in handy. I should have called this, "Seeing What The Shopper Sees."
"The Empathic House Of Mirrors" (the Alpha of Delta) is the tricky Alpha level of visual language where the empathic messages are distortions of what a person is seeing based upon the emotional state he or she is experiencing. If someone is in a very happy state then the world looks beautiful and exciting. If the person feels depressed or disappointed the world can look menacing or ugly. If someone is afraid of water the beach could look very threatening. If someone loves chocolate a fudge brownie might be the most beautiful thing in the world at that moment.
At the Alpha level of visual language the quality and status of an image are your signals. Unless you are seeing what the other person is seeing this type of signal does not register very clearly. Where it does apply is my example of going to the movies with someone who does not like the movie. Since I am looking at the same thing they are looking at, the Alpha visual signal registers for me, and I can feel the same way about what I am seeing as the other person feels.
This level is a "empathic hall of mirrors" because you are receiving feelings from another persons viewpoint which gets entangled with your own viewpoint. It is hard to tell the difference between your own responses and those of the other person. The best way to sort the responses out is to ask the person. It is perfectly legitimate to ask questions during a reading in order to sort out empathic messages from mental noise. This helps refine the connection. If you are working at this level but not in a reading context, then ask yourself the question, " Is this my own response?".
Draw from all of your intuitive levels to answer the question then consciously acknowledge the answer. Each time you come to a confusing message then ask the question again. It is just like feeling your way through the House of Mirrors, looking for the doorways. Once you have sorted out the responses you are experiencing, then you can probe deeper into the information you are getting.
"The House of Mirrors Continues" (the Theta of Delta) as you move deeper in your empathic connection to others. Here in the Theta level of visual language you are still moving through images of your own thoughts that reflect the inner thoughts of the other person. To keep this level clear just remember: When people are thinking about what it is they are seeing, those thoughts become signals. If the person I am with is thinking," This movie makes no sense," and I receive that signal, then I begin to think," This movie makes no sense." At the same time this happens, I am aware that the movie makes sense to me, but I have picked up the other person's thought that in turn shaped how I saw the same event.
At this level it is not the thought you measure but the influence of the thought on your perceptions. It is a very subtle distinction that you do not need to worry about, just keep in mind. Dreamtongue is the basis of a new technology and this lesson is simply for outlining the parts of that technology for future reference. When you are actively functioning as an Empath you will be experiencing more of an unbroken flow rather than all these distinct parts. Learning the components of Dreamtongue only helps strengthen your unbroken flow.
"The Empathic Dream Connection" (the Delta of Delta) occurs at the Delta level of visual language. This Delta/Delta level involves a fairly rare form of empathic connection. A Delta signal of visual language is a empathic vision of another person's empathic vision. This would happen if two people are seeing the same object and event by remote viewing at the same time. Yet it would be difficult to establish if each person were having an independent remote viewing or if one was seeing the inner vision of another.
I do not have a real life example of this process but there was a Hollywood example once, in a movie from the late seventies. I will not describe it here but if you are interested in hearing this example just post a request. What is more likely to occur at this level sounds even more fantastic and that is: two people having the same dream together at the same time.
Theta is the primary level of dreams but Delta involves even deeper forms of dreaming. About fifteen years ago I had an intense experience with this phenomenon. A girl that I liked very much and had very strong feelings for, was about to leave the country. I had never really expressed my feelings to her. She was going back to her native country and was not planning to return. For different reasons I was unable to get to her in time to say good-bye.
One night after she had already made it back home, I had an amazingly vivid dream. In this dream I met her on a downtown street. The image of the street and area of town was clear and extremely lifelike. In the dream we hugged, cried, and said our good-byes. In the dream I told her my real feelings for her and she did the same. It was an overwhelmingly emotional dream. We held each other tightly afraid to let go but, as dreams go, I awoke.
Within days I sent her a letter and told her all about the dream. Before the letter had time to even get to her, I received a letter from her. In that letter she told me all about having the exact same dream. She described it exactly as I had described it. When she got my letter she immediately wrote back saying how amazed she was at what had happened and how our letters had crossed in the mail. This is one example of connecting through Delta visual language.
"Spirit Vision" (the Gamma of Delta) is the Gamma level of visual language and it involves seeing symbolic spiritual imagery about a person. Sometimes people claim to see a guardian angel, a spirit guide, or a spiritual design within a persons aura. Holographic images from Gamma frequently appear in visual forms of some sort. Whether or not there are actual guardian angels or spirit guides remains a personal decision for each individual Empath to decide.
Images of a persons past incarnations can appear at this level as well. Information about the persons past can appear through the Gamma level of visual language. To work with the Gamma level of visual language requires a comfort and an interest in symbols, myths, and creative expressions. I have written a small book I use in spiritual awakening classes called, "The Auroraportes." It is written in Dreamtongue using the Gamma level of visual language as the focal point. It conveys the dynamic influence of symbolism in our search for meaning. Symbolism that occurs deep within this level of a psyche is rich with powerful information.
I later took the format of the Auroraportes and expanded it into a complete work that is now called "The Book of Storms." Once you tap into this level within yourself you will be able to do it with another person. When you work at this level with another person you are working with what constitutes spiritual guidance. Symbolic messages are holographic, which means they contain information about the whole person or their whole life. Symbols contain vast amounts of information in contrast to the limited information of literal messages. The word spiritual here does not imply any doctrines or dogma of any sort. I use the word spiritual to refer to the overall quality of someone's life.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Section 8.3: The Language Of Theta

Interpreting Dreamtongue

Section 3: The Language Of Theta

Theta Language is the actual mental content of a person, your basic mind reading stuff. Where Alpha is the emotional/psychological state that results from the mental content. Some would say that the emotional/psychological state causes the content but we do not need to debate psychology here. For the purposes of empath training, mental content and psychological states are treated as two different levels.
"Mind Talk" (the Beta of Theta) occurs at the Beta level of mental language and involves the thoughts a person is having about the present environment, the people and objects interacting with the person, and the person's present activity. There are many good opportunities for telepathy at this level. This is the level where you think about calling someone, then the phone rings and it is the person you were about to call. This is the level where you know someone's location and/or what the person is doing even though you are nowhere near at the time.
This is the level of common and frequent telepathy. The signals at this level are usually fairly strong since these signals come from present activity. When someone says, "read my mind," this is the level you are trying to access. The problem is that when someone says "read my mind," they are no longer sending out Beta mental signals because they stop and focus inside themselves. Once a person starts to focus within, that person starts sending out Alpha signals instead, which can only be "sensed" instead of "read".
When it comes to mind to mind communication at this level it is better for the person to pick a color or flavor and to hold that color or flavor in mind. The point is for the target to be experiencing that color or flavor. Once the target person is experiencing a color he or she will then be sending out a Beta signal of mental language. The signal is still not as strong as it would be during engagement in actual Beta activity.
"Reading Feelings" (the Alpha of Theta) occurs at the Alpha level of mental language, which involves the conscious thoughts a person is having about their own emotional feeling states. The more people are aware of their own emotional states the more control they may have over those states and the more integrated those states can be with their whole being.
I wanted to avoid the cliché here, but I cannot -- the more in touch people are with their own feelings, the more likely it is that the signals they send you about their emotional state is deliberate. This is not an absolute rule but rather a guideline. At the Alpha level of mental language you are more likely to pick up the emotional states of which the person is unaware and would not want for you to perceive.
In other words, if a person is deliberately sending you a signal about their emotional state, it may be a controlled or contrived message. For example, let's say you encounter someone who is hostile or competitive with you. For whatever reason that person does not want you to know about these feelings, so he or she deliberately projects signals of a calm, friendly, and pleasant nature. The signals being sent you are not the Alpha signals of mental language, instead they are contrived Beta signals. As an Empath you can sense that the signals are incongruent, or do not fit, with what you are sensing. What you are sensing are the actual Alpha signals of the person's mental language.
When people are unaware of a strong emotion they tend to send out Alpha signals of their mental language in obvious and empathic ways. If a person shows genuine interest in something you are doing, not only would that generate obvious signals but the thoughts the individual had about his or her own emotional state would generate Alpha signals of mental language. Someone could be thinking, "I really like this. It is very interesting," and in return, you get the mirrored telepathic response, "They really like this. They find it very interesting."
"The Direct Connection" (the Theta of Theta) is the level of direct telepathy, the Theta level of mental language. This is the level of mind to mind connection, or as I said earlier, nervous system to nervous system connection. This level involves the thoughts a person generates at any given time. This is the level where you are directly receiving the thoughts of the other person. How you encode and interpret those signals will be unique to you.
Often at this level, Dreamtongue occurs as thoughts in your own head. The person may start thinking about a musical seen the week before. Suddenly you start thinking about musicals too, but you may not think about the exact one. This could lead you to say something like, "Do you like musicals?" He or she could then say, "That's funny, I was just thinking about a musical I saw last week."
How many times has something like this happened to you? Thousands of people have shared these types of experiences with me over the years. This type of telepathy occurs all the time with people but often goes unrecognized.
"Visual Thoughts" (the Delta of Theta) occur at the Delta level of mental language. The empathic messages here involve what people are thinking about the things they are seeing. The signals do not directly involve the actual images themselves but instead involve the active thoughts the person is having. For example," It looks like a light is on in the house," or "This gift looks like a book." The word look does not have to be in the thought, it could be "There's that bag of pretzels I've been wanting." Sometimes telepathy at this level involves verbal descriptions of visual images, like the example of the person thinking about a giraffe while connecting to her friend at the zoo.
"Spiritual Questing" (the Gamma of Theta) is reflected in the Gamma level of mental language. This level of reading a person empathically involves perceiving the individual's thoughts around the meaning of life, philosophical questions, and spiritual understanding. Many of these thoughts are "unspoken" or unformed into clear thoughts.
Often if you pick up a Gamma signal of mental language it will occur to you as a question that the person has on a deep level. This type of signal normally comes by focusing and spending more time with the person, such as in a formal empathic reading. In classes where I teach empathic counseling, I emphasize this level because it reaches into the heart of what a person is really asking during a reading.
As you learn more about your own Gamma level, you will find your ability to reach the Gamma level of another person will improve tremendously.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Bottle Hopping ~ Energy Manipulation

 Bottle Hopping ~ Energy Manipulation

Bottle Hopping is a great way to practice energy manipulation. 

This idea, which isn't by any means new, came to me while at a 

Casino, when I lent a friend of mine one of my bottles for good 

luck. As she held the bottle, it became consumed with energy, 

this energy is exactly what people in Casinos harness every time

they win money at their favorite machines.

As an energy child, I've always tuned into other people's energy

and connected that way, whether people were aware of it or not. So I kept 

wondering  why I wasn't tapping into this energy. Shortly after our last three dollars, I went to 

the other side of the machines and won twenty seven dollars. It was then that I realized I had 

connected myself to the energy. 

The term BOTTLE HOPPING is how the energy will connect itself to you. If  I give a friend my 

bottle to carry for luck, meanwhile, I see someone else on a lucky streak and decide to give that 

person a bottle to carry, then I myself pull my bottle out and walk around as people do at Casinos 

when searching for machines, the energy will be easier for you to connect with because you've 

created an association between you and that energy.

The bottle isn't doing anything but reminding you that this winning energy is near by. It gives you

a way to decipher which energy to connect with, hence the name BOTTLE HOPPING. You can

critique this technique anyway you want, I do encourage it since it also helps you to connect with 

other people on an empathic level.

Thursday, February 20, 2014



 And just what the hell is the difference?

I realized long ago, that a fine line does exist between what we would call an empath on the edge, (for lack of a better term), and what we would call a psychopath.

Picture this;

 an empath who doesn't realize the nature of her existence is to be the opposite of the psychopath, has been numbing her emotions so she no longer feels them.

But first, lets examine some unique and similar characteristics between the empath and the psychopath.

#1 ~ Both possess high levels of intuition.

#2 ~ Both are able to 'read people' very deeply even though only one of them is actually emotionally connecting with the other person.

#3 ~ Both are very gifted at human manipulation but only one of them has mastered this art by carrying out these acts.


So, how does the psychopath connect with people on a psychic level? I think this would involve telepathy, drawn out by asking too many stupid questions, or maybe not.

Just because the emotion-lacking psychopath can't connect with the emotions of the victim, doesn't mean he can't tell what these emotions look like and how to use them for HIS OR HER advantage..

Now lets get back to the empath on the edge, she has done her best to rid herself of the dreaded emotions that she cannot stand, she has withdrawn herself from society and is now in the exact same frame of mind as the natural born psychopath. (thought I'd add some drama, lol)

So, one more time, I ask you again; what is the difference? I have been manipulated by family members before, and just what did that person have over my head? Nothing at all. Except for being assertive. Or the lack there of.

The only way for me to stop being a victim was to start being assertive. In order for this to happen, I would have to expose my own raw emotions to myself. I would have to feel them.

This would involve embarrassment, tears and anger, (the grand finale) but as long as I would  just go with it and ride it out, it'll be okay. Anger was always put last on the list because it was the only emotion that I didn't feel all the time in myself.

In other words, DON'T BE AFRAID OF YOUR EMOTIONS!!! IT'S OKAY IF YOU CRY, OR IF YOU TREMBLE. Because the final stage is anger, that final release. The emotion empaths are not privy too. Just let go and give in to your emotions, they are powerful and will give you strength once you get past the initial shock.

We all need to unleash anger sometimes and oops, it just might be directed at someone else, but there is no better way to have control over the psychopathic, narcissistic, sociopathic douche bags in this world.

You may be still trying to find that fine line I mentioned earlier, either way, my entire point to this article is this; DO NOT LET AMERICAN SOCIETY SPOIL YOUR EMPATHIC ABILITY.

If you want to see something innocent turn to rotten, just hand it to our society. My point is this, I had to teach myself to block out bad people, I've even stopped myself from telling one person in particular EXACTLY WHO SHE TRULY WAS ON THE INSIDE, (a Moses Lake, Washington Person) because I know she couldn't have been able to handle a full dose of reality delivered by me. 

I sensed that she would have taken her own life. I even told myself I could live with that, but I have made a promise that if we are judged after death, I don't want that on my permanent record with God.



The Book of Storms Lesson 8.2 The Language Of Alpha

Interpreting Dreamtongue

Section 2: The Language Of Alpha

Alpha Language is the general language of the psyche, the emotional and psychological state of the person. I will refer to this as "emotive language" for the sake of this lesson. Emotions filter through body language in Beta and through subtler ways in Alpha. Remember, Alpha signals come to you through general feelings and impressions.
What you read about the Alpha level of a person is first your responses to that person, then their responses to you. The back and forth activity of responses between two people is the Alpha level of empathic communication.
Your ability to read the Alpha level of a person influences how well you can read and understand your responses to the person. Understanding the five levels of Alpha is an important part of your development as an expert traveler in the "Empath InnerNet," the superhighway of empathic information.
"For Every Action Their Is An Equal And Opposite Reaction." (the Beta of Alpha) The Beta level of emotive language involves your reactions to physical events, objects, and people. When you are attracted to someone you will send out Beta emotions, either consciously or unconsciously. When feeling repelled by someone or something you will also be sending out equally strong Beta emotions.
Remember: Alpha works with a push/pull process. This push/pull is a form of attraction versus repulsion. A Beta emotional signal is usually strong and sensed on all empathic levels. When it is very strong you simply perceive it at the Beta level using the primary senses. Your own responses often are clues to reading the Beta level of a persons emotive language.
Ask yourself this question when in the presence of someone, "Am I feeling an invisible push or pull with this person?" If the answer is yes to either the push or the pull you are getting a Beta level Alpha signal (or in other words, the person is creating enough emotional energy to make a physical impression!).
"An Ocean of Emotion" (the Alpha of Alpha) accurately describes the Alpha level of emotive language that involves the expression of emotional and feeling states. Expressing your emotions can be through personal statements like, "I feel happy," or "I am really excited for you." Yet verbal statements about emotions and feelings are just the tip of the iceberg. Alpha signals related to emotional/feeling states are the most prevalent form of empathic signals occurring when two people are interacting.
Alpha dynamics:
  • You are responding emotionally to the person you are encountering, they are responding emotionally to you.
  • You have a pre-existing emotional state and so do they.
  • You are responding emotionally to things inside your self and so are they.
  • They are responding emotionally to their surroundings and so are you.
All of these signals are flying around when two or more people come together, like currents in an ocean. As an Empath you sense these currents at the Alpha level. When you pair Beta signals with Alpha signals you can get a good reading on most situations.
Empaths could serve very useful functions in political situations.
There is one major complication at the Alpha level of emotive language. Most people tend to cover their own emotional states. This can be for two reasons: the basic need for privacy and because we have specific things that we do not want people to know. The Alpha level is where we are vulnerable, so the Alpha level is also where we put up our defenses, our guards, and our walls.
As an Empath you will learn how defenses and walls are strong Alpha signals. In the same way that you can read someone's emotional state you can also read their "walls". The strength and intensity of the wall (or resistance) are normally equal to the strength and intensity of the emotion it is covering.
Normal defenses that are put up for basic privacy are often flexible and negotiable. Defenses that are rigid and fiercely defended represent "dangerous" territory. By that I mean it is an area where the person is most vulnerable and probing around there could lead to all types of problems. Learning how to handle dangerous territory and such complicated interactions comes through experience and advanced training. Your sophistication as an Empath will develop over time, you must trust in your own process.
"Starting To Read Minds" (the Theta of Alpha) occurs through the Theta level of emotive language. Here is where you respond to someone's internal states, such as their thoughts and beliefs. You could be riding on an elevator with a person and that person may not be responding to you at all. They may not even seem to be aware of you. Yet you are getting all kinds of obvious and empathic impressions that the person is very angry. Sometimes it is not obvious, yet you still get the Alpha associations of anger coming from that person. The anger is not a response to you. The anger is a response to something they are thinking.
When you get such signals from a person, those signals represent the Theta level of emotive language. What you do with such signals is up to your best judgment and personality. You may get an Alpha association that guides you to offer kind words to the person, which in turn relieves that person due to your action. The other possibility is that you get an Alpha association to leave that person alone.
Your first and most immediate impression is usually the most empathic one. I want you to notice that reading the Alpha level does not involve so much answering a question as much as it does learning to sense "currents." When in Alpha take your snorkel and seahorse inner tube, for you are getting into deep waters!
"Empathic Link-Up" (the Delta of Alpha) describes the Delta level of emotive language. This level requires more practice and skill to perceive than the previous levels. If Alpha is the empathic ocean then this level is caverns under the ocean floor. Delta emotive language involves an overview of how the person perceives life, as well as their orientation to the world. Signals from this level involve a common theme used in movies when portraying empathic events: seeing through the eyes of another person. Yet at this level it does not involve seeing what they are seeing, as much as it involves seeing things the way they see it.
To give you a "nondramatic" example that many people relate to: when I go to the movies or watch a television show with someone, I pick up the Delta level of their emotive language very strongly. The way it occurs is that I end up perceiving the movie the same way the other person is perceiving it. If it is a movie that I would normally enjoy tremendously, and I am watching it with a person who does not enjoy it and does not understand it, then I experience the movie the same way they do. If they feel bored with the movie then I feel bored with it. Later I might watch it alone or with someone who enjoys the same films, and then find the movie exciting and wonderful.
Another example of the Delta level of emotive language is when two people are seeing the same event from two entirely different points of view. If neither one is able to see it as the other does, an argument usually ensues. As an Empath you can develop the ability to see things from the perspective of the other person that will help tremendously with your communication skills.
As you begin to make this empathic link-up with other people, it will become very important for you to know how to distinguish your own thoughts and perceptions from those of others. You can ask questions here to separate your thoughts from someone else's. Examine each thought you are having and ask yourself if this is your normal way of thinking. Break down each thought with another question until you feel as you have separated your thoughts from your link-up partner. As with all good empathic skills, practice makes perfect.
"The Empathic Snapshot" (the Gamma of Alpha) The Gamma level of emotive language involves an overall response to a person, one that is more immediate, like a first impression. A Gamma first impression is really like a empathic snapshot. It gives you a complete picture immediately of all levels of a person. The problem with working with a Gamma first impression is the speed of it. The empathic snapshot occurs within a second of meeting someone.
For most people many thoughts flood after that first second and the initial impression gets lost. When you first meet someone each second counts as one impression. The very first few impressions are the most empathic. All impressions that follow become imbued with conscious evaluations and judgments.
Learning to catch your Gamma snapshots, your immediate first impression requires practice. Most first impressions are followed by a flood of afterthoughts. Catching those empathic first impressions involves remembering that very immediate response/thought you had in a given moment. This is a talent you can develop by repetitive practice.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Reviewing Section 8 part 1 (beta Language)

Beta Language ~ Body Language

 Actions speak louder than words

Beta of beta ~  When the body speaks for itself.

 Interpreting another person's empathic language through their body language.

What is this woman using her body to do?

Obviously to hide part of her face.

Acting how you feel

Alpha of beta

Interpreting how your emotions reflect your
body language

What emotion is this woman projecting through her body

Shock, Terror? Being upset? 

Acting out your thoughts

Theta of beta

When your body reflects your thoughts

(Yes I know this isn't a real person)
But what are they doing with their hands that reflects their thoughts?

 The Freudian slip on a banana peel

Delta of beta

When you unconsciously do things with your body 

No, I couldn't find a picture for this, but if someone was lying
to me, and they tremble or blink when lying, that would be an example.

Aura Reading

Gamma of beta

What does my aura say to you?

The Book of Storms Stage Eight Section One

Stage Eight

Interpreting Dreamtongue

(Note: due to the length of this lesson it will be presented in five sections)


In stage seven all the pieces of your empath training were set into place. You learned about Gamma, the source of empathic information and ways to empower that source. At this stage you will have chosen a tool or set of tools to work with your empathic source and will have begun the practice of empowering your tools.
You are now ready to learn the basics of interpreting and working with the empathic language of Dreamtongue;.to learn how the letters of the empathic Alphabet fit together to form words, images, and messages.
This lesson will be like a spelling primer, introducing you to pieces of the empathic language that you can use to learn the larger forms of expression; think of it as an "empathic dictionary." You can learn this primer by first focusing on the areas that are of interest to you. In time you can learn the other areas for greater expansion of your abilities.
The language of Dreamtongue, by any name, is spoken by all living things. At the nuclear level of the atom, all things can be considered to have life. Dreamtongue is the interconnected communications between all things.
You are more likely to be aware of the empathic language between people, but it occurs between animals, plants, and insects as well. Dreamtongue occurs through all of nature, for mother Earth herself is a living thing. The Earth speaks to you through Dreamtongue. As your understanding of this greater meta-communication process increases, so too will your empathic abilities.
Since Dreamtongue is the all pervasive language of existence there is no end to the possible uses and formats available to an Empath. As a student of Dreamtongue you have stepped into a wonderful world of limitless possibilities. To guide you in your learning of the empathic language I have chosen one area to focus the lesson. I will focus on the interactions between people. After learning about interactions your journey will have just begun as you explore Dreamtongue communication with animals, plants, and beyond.
In the same way that you can fit into a new culture or country by learning the language, the learning of Dreamtongue will help you become a citizen of a larger empathic world with vast amounts of new information. Your challenge as a budding Empath will be to learn how you can use that information and how that information impacts your life. To deal with those challenges I encourage you to work with an "Empath's Circle," described in the next lesson.

Interpreting the Empathic Language of Another Person

The five levels of Dreamtongue, indicated by the five empathic letters, apply to every aspect of communication.
The following symbol composite represents every person you encounter:

Where is the physical body, appearance, body language and behavior.

is the emotional and psychological state, the person's overall comfort level, the individual's orientation to an experience, the associations the individual is making, and the general mood that is being conveyed.

is the individuality, what is unique about the individual mentally/intellectually, the specific personality, the individual's experience in life, the education, and memories, the thoughts and ways of thinking, and the types of imagery the individual uses to communicate (including the types of words most commonly used by that person).

is what shapes the personality, it is the contextual world view of the individual, the individual's perception of things, it is to a larger extent the unconscious which is filled with imagery from all levels. It is the own empathic awareness of that person whether conscious or unconscious. Delta is the type of "pictures" someone paints with their overall communication.

is the very soul of the person, it is the values and the beliefs that the individual holds dear; it is what gives meaning to that person's life, it is what is loved and what is enjoyed by that person. It is the source of pleasure as well as of pain, it is the guiding force of that life either consciously or unconsciously, and it is the essential energy state of that person.

Everything you can understand about the five empathic levels as related to yourself also applies to other people. As an empath you will use your understanding of yourself to understand others. What you know about yourself, you know about everyone else.
Each level of empathic language has five levels of expression. For example, the Beta level of body language has five levels of expression:

Beta Language

1. "Actions Speak Louder Than Words" (the Beta of Beta) describes the Beta level of body language -- the level where your body speaks for itself. The Beta level of body language comes from how you are using your body. A person doing aerobics uses his or her body to exercise. To figure out what the Beta level of a persons body language simply answer this question, " What is it they are using their body to do?" Once you know that, you know how the empathic energy is being utilized on the physical level.
Empathic energy is always present and is always in use: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Observation of action is the first pathway to empathic perception. Inexperienced Empaths like to debate over this point by saying, "the whole thing that makes me an 'empath' is that I can perceive things that are not visible."
To advance in your abilities you must understand that all perception/communication exists on a continuum. Beta represents the "outermost" extent of the continuum and Gamma represents the innermost extent of the continuum. Your ability to move from one end of the continuum to another represents the level of mastery you have developed over your own empathic functioning.
When you combined observation of action/body language with observation of intuition you amplify your perception many times over. True empathic functioning does not solely rely upon extra-sensory perception. Instead it relies on heightened degrees of sensitivity and awareness. Heightened sensitivity and awareness act as a greater conduit to intuition. It is critical to grasp this principle before proceeding in the lesson.
2. "Acting How You Feel"-- (the Alpha of Beta) indicates how emotional states reflect in your body behaviors. On this level your body acts as a empathic mirror. Your form follows your thoughts. When you are sad you slump and when you are excited you stand up straight.
Most people show what they are feeling by their expressions and by the way they are holding their bodies. Some people are expert at hiding their feelings (except from us Empaths, right?). To know the Alpha level of a person's body language answer this question, "What emotional state is the person projecting through their posture, movement, and expression?"
Now, keep in mind, as we go through this list, we are going deeper and deeper into the person. If you are doing consultations this is an excellent map to follow.
3. "Acting Out Your Thoughts" (the Theta of Beta) sums up the Theta level of body language - when your body reflects your thoughts. I refer to you when describing these levels because you must keep in mind that you do all the same things that other people do. Use your self to study these levels. Observe your own behavior and you will learn a lot about other people.
When you gesture to express your ideas or experiences you are using Theta body language. For example, hand movements to show the width or height of something. A person who gestures a great deal with their hands while talking is likely to be a person who is very connected in some way to the Theta level. This type of person is frequently very intuitive.
To pinpoint the Theta level of a person's body language answer the following question, "How is this person using body to communicate thought?" Some people use their bodies in a very minimal way to express their thoughts. This kind of behavior can indicate a person who is very guarded and possibly fearful, although there are other possibilities to consider. Once you pinpoint the Theta level, or any level for that matter, you empathically connect with that level.
4. "The Freudian Slip On A Banana Peel" (the Delta of Beta) happens at the Delta level of body language and occurs through unconscious body signs. For example, you may be standing farther back from someone you do not like or trust, or standing close and leaning in towards someone you are very interested in, without being aware of it. If this behavior is intentional, then it comes from the Alpha level with a desire to communicate a feeling. When you are not aware of the body language you are expressing, the unconscious level of Delta is at work.
This type of body language indicates when a person is most open to empathic probing and communication. It takes tact and skill to work with this level of communication. Intuition regarding Delta body language can form profound empathic links for an Empath performing a "empathic reading." To assess the Delta level of a person's body language, ask a test question. You form the test question by your impressions and intuition. First determine what your impression is about the person's behavior.
For example, if you have the impression that the person is uncomfortable, ask, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?" If the subject is surprised and denies feeling uncomfortable (yet you keep getting the impression that he or she is definitely uneasy), chances are real high that you have tapped into the Delta level of the body language.
A word of advice -- be sensitive to what test questions you ask. If someone is revealing something very awkward to you by body language, don't just pull the rug out from under them. An empathetic and supportive approach is a critical empathic skill. I have been shocked and dismayed by individuals who claim to be "Empaths" yet display little to no empathy.
5. "Aura Reading" pertains to the (the Gamma of Beta) Gamma level of body language, how holographic or spiritual information is conveyed through your body movements and states. It is truly amazing to realize just how much communication is going on at any given point in time! Being an Empath means being aware of this communication and acting upon that awareness.
The truth of Dreamtongue is that everything is communication! Period. An Empath is a person who trains to understand, read, and use this universe of communication. Since the Gamma level expresses through all the other levels, all expressions through the body relate to the Gamma level of body language. You can single out the Gamma level by considering the aura, the overall energy impression of the person. It is the gestalt, or combination of all factors.
Think of Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta as puzzle pieces. When you put them all together you get the Gamma. Gamma expressed through Beta specifically relates to the energy states of expansion versus contraction, relaxation versus tension, withdrawn versus open; all perceptible through Beta.
Your ability to read Beta body language develops by simply observing human behavior. Specifically noticing body posture, gestures, movement, and spatial relationships trains your empathic awareness to read Beta language. As you add Alpha to your repertoire, you will begin to notice the feelings or responses you have to what you are observing.
Reading the aura can start with your eyes (Beta) and reach into deeper levels of information. All living things have an energy field (Gamma). This is like a light around the body. You and everyone around you has this light around their body. This light only registers through specialized instruments and empathic senses.
There are ways to train your eyes to see the aura. What I offer involves learning to see the aura in your mind's eye. The following is an exercise you can practice with a friend.

Training Yourself To See Auras

First, have someone stand in front of you about three feet or more away. Practice taking in their entire image without focusing on any details. You will notice that as you do this you are not just looking at the body, you are also developing a mental image of the person. As you become more aware of the mental image you will see light and energy around the person.
When you first start this exercise I want you to only concern yourself with developing the ability to see this energy field and not worry about interpreting it. After you have developed the ability to see the aura (Gamma field) immediately when you see a person then begin to interpret what you are seeing. Refer to the Lesson Seven for understanding Gamma.
Also, keep in mind that interpreting empathic data involves all level of your being. I do not endorse exercises where you have someone stand in front of a white wall in order to see the aura. This method relies on unintentional tricks of the eye and nervous system and does not truly reveal anything about auras.
Beta energy also occurs and expresses through speaking as well as body language. The Beta voice occurs when spoken language focuses on external events and observations. Spoken Beta deals with declarative and directive statements, such as "There is the house," and," This is my dog," and, "Pick up the book." Whenever you are declaring what something is or trying to direct activity around you, then you are using a Beta voice. You will learn more about empath voices in the next lesson.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Free Energy Healing

  I am posting this offer for a free energy healing on February 17th at noon. Just go to to sign up or call 971-279-8554

Monday, February 10, 2014

Aura Sectioning your Body

Aura Sectioning your Body

I noticed today my Aura was yellow and green, the green stands healers, although I have read different things, and the yellow is for leadership. I took my aura picture just a few minutes ago and it is still yellow and green.

So I got to thinking, is my aura different in my hands? Or what about my eyes?

Earlier Today
Just a Few Minutes ago, 11:45PM

Here are the other aura pictures I took of my hands and eyes shortly after the last one at 11:45PM


Lefty - Magenta and Indago
Righty -Green and Yellow

Right eye (wrong side)
Left eye (right side)

 I was creating my Gamma Tools, if you read Section 7 of the Book of Storms, so the energy must leave through my left hand. I took an aura picture of my left hand before  and it was the same magenta and blue. We'll say my left hand deals while my right hand heals. Below is a link to the website that will show you the different aura colors and there meanings.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Aura Pictures

    Aura Pictures

   I found a German website that can take your uploaded picture and show you your aura. It's in German, but you can choose English.

Aura Eyes

I was theorizing in my head whether or not the eyes might reflect something different than the rest of the body, seeing as how they are the windows of the soul.  The aura eye to the left is mine and the right one belongs to Kirk, my other half. Notice the white orb in the center of  Kirk's picture?



Let's look at his picture up close.

 To the left is another eye picture taken a little while ago. Notice the difference. People are like mood rings.

To the left is Kirk's more recent eye picture compared with the strange orb picture.


Now let's take a look at the other aura pictures

I can't show you the bright green aura I took this morning, my phone would not cooperate. I was disappointed, but I uploaded the picture on the left which was taken two days ago. Still no green aura. The one on the right was mid-day, and the center picture below the two was just taken a little while ago. I was laughing about my friend and thought i'd see if laughing would dramatically change my aura, but as you can see, the only different one was taken after returning from the casino, the pale blue one on the right.


Here is one of Kirk and I can't forget about my dog Walter, he has an aura too :)



Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Stage Seven ~ Review

Stage Seven Review

1. The goal of stage seven is to understand Gamma as the source of the other four levels of empathic functioning and to develop a means of working with this power source.
2. Gamma, unlike the other functions, is not related to brain wave activity.
3. Gamma is consciousness as a field of energy, also called the aura.
4. Gamma events involve precognition, retrocognition, channeling, issues of Life after death, other forms of life, and other levels of reality.
5. Precognition often occurs spontaneously when there is a need. Divination is a means of accessing precognition intentionally.
6. Divination is the artful way of processing empathic information.
7. Selecting a Gamma tool connects an empath to her or his own power source.
8. You can create your Gamma tool or use traditional ones.
9. The final practice of empath training is to empower your Gamma tools on a regular basis.
10. Dreamtongue is the language of the empath using symbols to convey more information than literal language.

Stage Seven ~ Selecting a Gamma Tool

Selecting a Gamma Tool

A Gamma tool is one that is used in divination. Divination is the artful way of processing empathic information. Again, traditional tools of divination are the Tarot cards, runes, numbers, tea leaves, crystal balls, a bowl of water, yarrow sticks for I-Ching, regular playing cards, and so on. No one tool is better than the other except that a specific tool will work better for one individual than for another.
I encourage you to take your time with this stage, to have fun, and to be very creative. Selecting a Gamma tool requires some experimentation. Trying different tools until you connect with just the right one. You may select more than one, but there will always be one that is more powerful for you. Ultimately you will not need tools to process empathic information but they can be an asset in the early stages of your development.
Before selecting a tool be sure to consider the following information. The traditional tools were created by people who were connected to their own Gamma level, their own personal power. The best tools are the ones you develop yourself or the ones that you use in your own personal way. That is why there are so many cards and systems available today.
There is an empathic renaissance occurring. People are realizing the creative force behind empathic and spiritual methodology. If you do choose a traditional tool, then be flexible and realize that it will eventually have to be shaped to fit your own inner nature. The books and the guidelines will help you get started but the true guidance comes from within. That is the whole point.

To develop your Gamma power source:

1. Select one tool. (You may add more later, but the goal is to focus!) The tool may be traditional or one you develop yourself. I will describe how to develop one yourself shortly.
2. The tool needs to be a physical object. If your tool is a "spirit guide" or an empathic totem then create or acquire a physical object that represents your connection to the guide. This can be a piece of jewelry, a picture, a symbolic object, etc.
3. If the tool is jewelry then take exceptional care of that jewelry. Keep it on your person at all times. When you want to access empathic information touch or gaze at the object. If the tool is a set of cards or other traditional objects then make a special place to keep and preserve them. How you treat the tool forms an "aura" of expectation and preservation of energy.
4. If you use a box or area to store your Gamma tools, be sure to include an image of your empathic totem on or in the area. We are working with the "art of intent" here, not superstitious thinking. For example, let's say your empathic totem is a hawk and your choice of tools is a set of Tarot cards. You can build or acquire a wooden box to store the cards. You could carve or burn the image of a hawk into the lid of the box. This way you have connected your Gamma tools with your empathic totem. The goal is to have all levels interact.
5. The use of tools establishes a Beta presence for your empathic nature. You can extend this presence in different ways. Your object or the container of your object can be anointed with a scent that you associate with your own empathic nature. The choice of an oil or scent should be made empathically by listening to Dreamtongue: through a Beta, Alpha, Theta, or Delta message. Any colors associated with your tools can be chosen in the same way. The more associations you form to your tools the stronger your connection to your power source.
6. If you find yourself using a tool and you are not feeling connected to it, then change. Do not become burdened with trying to make it work. Your empathic nature is already present; it simply needs a means to express. Listen to your inner empathic, it will guide you.
7. Change and evolve your tools over time. Do not worry about jumping around from one thing to another. You will find yourself always coming back to the thing that empowers you the most. The process of being drawn back to something is a very powerful Gamma confirmation.
8. Be sure to include your observations and developing relationship with your tools in your Dreamtongue journal.

Creating Your Own Gamma Tool

The creation of new Gamma tools is very prevalent today. You can find countless versions of Tarot cards, empathic reading cards, and spiritual guidance cards. There are many systems of divination available to you right now. Any one of them may be your Gamma connection. You can also be the creator of one. As an empath you only need a place to focus your attention. Once focused you can listen the language of Dreamtongue.
To create your own tool or tools first decide what kind of method you want to use. There are two types of method in divination:
  • the "drawing method"-- where empathic information appears to be drawn from a source, and
  • the "projective method" - where empathic information is projected onto images and patterns.
The projective method is commonly done through cards, stones, and patterns. You can design a set of cards which contain images that are meaningful to you. The number of cards, the meaning of the cards, how they are to be laid out, and the guidelines for their use can all be empathically determined by you.
The projective method is also done by something called, "scrying," which involves gazing into a translucent substance like water or a crystal ball. By focusing your attention into a bowl or pool of water you can project Delta images to gain information. To use the projective method simply requires that you have something visual on which to focus. The rules, guidelines, and things that you use to establish your focus are completely up to you.
There is no secret formula needed in order for them to work. Your own empathic nature is what works; the tools are just the means to an end. You could grab a clump of dirt and throw it on the sidewalk, then look for patterns in the dirt. It is your empathic mind which organizes the interpretations you get. So be creative and be adventurous.
The drawing method can be done in many ways. For example, you may select a necklace as your Gamma tool. Let's say it is an ankh. You might rub this ankh with patchouli oil once a week, because the scent of patchouli is compatible with your empathic nature. When you smell the patchouli you are reminded of your growth as an empath.
To use the drawing method you would train yourself to touch the ankh in a specific way, such as holding it between the thumb and index finger with your left hand. You associate this act with drawing empathic information into your awareness, so that each time you do this you access one or more levels of Dreamtongue.
The selection of an object and the ritual you design to access it is completely determined by you. The important thing to remember is to decide in advance how you are going to use it so that you are clear enough to focus when you need to. Be creative and be flexible. Let the process grow and shape itself through experience.
There is one last practice to put into place. The practice of empowering your Gamma tools. This is really self-empowerment with the tools as the focal point.

Empowering Your Gamma Tools

The last piece to put into place involves connecting with the world around you. As an empath it is vital that you connect with the Earth, the natural rhythms and cycles that are occurring around you.
If you are in the house, in the car, at work all the time, then you can lose your connection to the pulse of life around you. To empower your Gamma connection requires that you find a specific activity in order to connect with the Earth in your own personal way. Consider the following guidelines.
1. Select a place outdoors that is special to you in some way. Listen to the Dreamtongue messages you get while selecting an area. Listen to how your body responds, to the feelings you get, the impressions that come to mind, the images that appear. You probably already have such a place in mind; it is a place where you need to go from time to time.
2. It does not matter if this is a public or private place, as much as it matters how you feel and respond to it. It can be a park, a beach, a backyard, a courtyard, a tree, a river, a stream, a pond, a path, a garden. It can be anything as long as it feels right to you and you can associate connecting to the Earth through the place.
3. Make a point to visit this place at least once a week. There are no rules for how often you do this; it is just that you maintain the connection. Sometimes you will need to go there more often and other times less often. There will be times when weather affects your access to the place. The place itself will go through cycles and growth, which will be a part of your process. If your place is a park that gets bulldozed down for a parking lot then your growth will involve transferring the energy of that spot to a new place.
4. Take your Gamma tool(s) with you when you go to the place. You may design a ritual (process) for your empowerment time. You may just sit in contemplation. Your time may involve walking or creating or whatever. You must guide and determine these things for yourself. This inner guidance is the power of the empath that you need to develop.
5. Record each time you visit your power source in your empaths journal. Some may use the time at the power source for journal writing. You may find yourself writing more directly in Dreamtongue (from the empathic level) by doing this.
6. Always go alone to this place. This maintains the focus and the concentration behind your development. You might desire to share this spot with a special person but I encourage you to keep this practice intact. Of course, the only really guiding principle comes from within you and all choices rest with you. You may find other places that are better for sharing with others.
You now have all five of the letters of the empathic alphabet:
You have been introduced to how they relate and work with each other. These letters combine into messages and impressions that originate from your empathic senses. To understand your dream voice, which speaks in the language of your unconscious, involves hearing with your body, mind, and soul, the messages that come from all levels of life.
Normal literal language conveys very little information compared to Dreamtongue. By beginning to understand the five empathic letters you are seeing how a symbol can represent so much more information than a word, as well as how a word can be a symbol. This understanding of how a symbol can convey more information than a literal word is the beginning of your knowledge of Dreamtongue. It is the language of an empath. It is a key to levels of information not available to your primary senses.
When you have selected a Gamma tool or tools, and have begun the practice of empowering yourself and those tools, you have completed stage seven of your training as an empath. You are now ready to begin working with the art of empathic language.