Sunday, March 16, 2014

Interpreting Dreamtongue Section 5: The Language Of Gamma

Interpreting Dreamtongue

Section 5: The Language Of Gamma

Gamma Language
is the meta-language of the spirit, it is the whole (holographic) nature of a person that expresses through countless means. All the above levels of Dreamtongue are in fact Gamma language. Gamma language expresses spiritual questing, spiritual needs, and spiritual understanding.
The word spiritual here means a connection to existence and meaningful relationship with all of life. Gamma is the spiritual language. This is the deepest level of empathic functioning.
"The Creative Urge" (the Beta of Gamma) emerges deep from within the Beta level of spiritual language and involves perceptions/expressions of beauty and joy in the physical world. The recognition of beauty (aesthetics) and the emotion of joy trigger unique patterns within select parts of your brain.
Messages regarding the sanctity and the beauty of nature, of physical life, of physical love, of art, and movement are all Beta messages of spiritual language. As Gamma signals, these messages originate from within you at the deepest level of your self. Gamma signals are often felt as intense creative impulses.
"Spiritual States" (the Alpha of Gamma) occur at the Alpha level of spiritual language. This level involves signals of spiritual emotional states, states of wholeness, joyfulness, clarity, love, internal freedom, and peacefulness. These signals result from an awareness of the holographic nature of things, or put another way, the oneness behind all things.
You normally receive information at the Alpha level of spiritual language when something inspires you or touches you in a significant way. Standing before a waterfall, watching the sunset, holding a baby, or reading inspirational materials can generate these signals within you. When you can read these states in another person you are accessing their Alpha level of spiritual language.
"The Universal Mind" (the Theta of Gamma) can be found through the Gamma level of spiritual language. It is the place where all rational explanations fall short.
The entire area of metaphysics, including religion and all spiritual topics, come into discussion at this level. This is a level that is personal and significant to each person in some unique way. How you interpret it and what you decide about it is a personal choice and experience.
To give you one example that relates to empathic nature, I would mention the subject of channeling. I have had a very profound experience with channeling that I will not recount here. What I will share is that the result of that experience has led me to understand channeling as a means to tap into our higher natures. Whether we call these higher natures spirit or whatever, is of no matter. We all have a higher nature.
From my channeling experience I learned to call my higher nature my "sovereign self." I do not think that other beings use our bodies to speak during channeling, but that is just my opinion. It merely involves greater parts of ourselves that speak, using Dreamtongue, to convey information from our deepest levels. Still, the problem with defining these experiences comes with defining beingness.
We do not really understand our own ultimate natures, so how can we understand where to draw the lines between our consciousness and other levels of consciousness? What is useful to know is that channeling is a way to tap into your own Gamma level. To channel only requires that you learn to trust in yourself enough to let this level open up inside of you. Channeling is nothing more than speaking out loud with your dream voice. You can do it alone or with other people.
If you do work with channeling, try to record it through writing or on tape, so that you can put it in your Empath's journal. You will be amazed at what can potentially come through you. Many subjects open up at this level. The concept of the collective consciousness of the planet; the collective unconscious; Jungian archetypes, and ideas of a "universal mind" all come into view at this level of empathic communication. We have barely skimmed the surface in this discussion.
"Walking between the Worlds" (The Delta of Gamma) If the last level is the place where all "explanations fall short," you can imagine that this level will be even more of a challenge to the intellect. The Delta level of Gamma refers to the "inner observer" , the "inner eye," as the part of you that sees existence from the innermost level. This inner observer is more like the "eyes of your soul."
The closest anecdotal information related to this level involves moving out of one's body and into other dimensions, worlds, universes. Whether or not these dimensions and worlds would be constructs of the brain or actual locations cannot be always determined at this point in our development as a species. To explore this level further I would direct you to books related to shamanic journeying and Eckankar.
"The Door" (the Gamma of Gamma) At this pure Gamma level we can only be aware of the potential that we are each interconnected with the rest of existence. The pure state of Gamma is where we are all connected and therefore have access to the "universe" itself. It can be thought of as the "door in which we entered this existence" and the "door by which we will exit."
If there is communication between worlds, if noncorporeal beings of any sort exist, this would be the place through which those communications would occur. This is the place of the great mystery. Here, our brains cannot wrap around the ultimate reality. Instead we are challenged to find this door and to explore on our own. Some say it leads to a great Abyss that cannot be traversed. Others say they have crossed that Abyss and returned with new vision and inspiration. Whatever lies beyond what the human brain can conceive/perceive is to be found within this "door" of the Gamma level.
Throughout this lesson you were introduced to a primer of Dreamtongue components. So far we have identified 25 key levels of communication available to an Empath. What is more important is that you get a feel for all of these parts, more than memorizing them. The parts always work together into a whole tapestry of information.
Rarely, if ever, does any one part of Dreamtongue occur without all the others present in some degree. Yet, as I mentioned before, learning about the parts will help you have greater understanding in working with the whole. There is so much to share here, but this is all that is necessary for this stage of your preliminary training. Understanding the parts of the language will help you better listen to and interpret the flowing messages of Dreamtongue occurring around you everyday.
You can use this lesson as a reference guide as you begin to notice Dreamtongue more and more in your life. What lies ahead in future courses will bring all of this information to life and will pull a veil away from your eyes. A veil that you did not even know was there. To become an awakened Empath is something far greater than just realizing you are an Empath. Your intuition will tell you when you are ready.

Lesson Eight Review

1. The purpose of stage eight is to begin to develop an understanding of the language of Dreamtongue, from the receptive end; to establish some basic guidelines for interpreting empathic language components.
2. Beta language is empathic language conveyed through the body and through actions.
3. Alpha language is emotive language which conveys emotional and psychological states.
4. Theta language is mental language which conveys mental content.
5. Delta language is visual language which conveys direct and symbolic imagery.
6. Gamma language is the spiritual language which conveys holographic and symbolic information.
7. All levels of Dreamtongue occur together blended into a flow of information.
This concludes Lesson 8. Lesson 9, the final lesson for this course is next.
If you are interested in receiving academic credit for this course just post a request for the details. The School of Empath Psychology offers a Masters level certification for individuals who complete the entire set of courses.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Being Creative


 Be a creative intuitive. Empaths are creative, so don't hold back. I didn't, you can download real world cursor editor and real world paint for free. See what you look like as a blue avatar from pandora :)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Beauty and the Malevolent Beast

The Angel fell and lost his wings,
his moans of painful fire he sings.
The beauty left his face and fell,
it is no more with him in hell.
  He sees the beauty people bring,
he cringes as they laugh and sing.
"No More!" He screams. "I will not hear!"
"The painful sounds of love and cheer."
  "If I can't love, then I will hate,
their beauty will be mine to take."
"I'll take their hope and make it grim,
I'll laugh, and laugh and watch them sin."
  "Ill take a rose and make it piss,
just like the snake will bite and hiss."
"The mask of beauty they will see,
yet all the while, they'll follow me."
  "Just like the piper leads the rats,
I tell you, I wear many hats. I am
the bitch who loves to lie, or the
communist who loves to spy."
  "Religion I've tried to make my own,
and turn it to CONFUSION ZONE."
"The good I say will meet their match.
My minions fail? They'll feel my wrath!"
  "The Narcissist will love to mess with
Empaths, (ones that I detest).  They
are the ones I hate the most, they never
hate and barely boast."
  "Are they the ones I knew so well? The
ones that pushed me down to hell? He
knew that I could never be, so nice and
kind inside like he."
 "So here in hell I sit and wait, to watch
some fall, it is my fate. I once was beauty,
now I'm not, my face is death and nasty
  "Each one who falls, I get my feast, since
beauty is the malevolent beast."

Interpreting Dreamtongue Section 4: The Language Of Delta

Interpreting Dreamtongue

Section 4: The Language Of Delta

Delta Language is the level of pictures, images, forms, shapes, and patterns. This is the "world of the empathic," the stuff from which movies are made. Profound levels of empathic functioning occur at this level and exist within all people. Yet the level is so remote from our conscious minds that it seems unreal to most people. The most representative skill of Delta is called remote viewing. The Delta skill of remote viewing involves seeing actual things but Delta language involves both actual and symbolic imagery. Delta is visual language in all of its forms.
"Seeing What The Killer Sees" (the Beta of Delta) is a phrase that really gets your attention, doesn't it? The Beta level of visual language is the favorite level of Hollywood films. There have been numerous films and TV shows where someone can see through the eyes of a killer and has to somehow stop them. Well, I hope you never have to deal with such an experience unless you are looking for it.
Signals from this level involve directly seeing what another person is seeing through your own inner vision. Although empathic vision often appears represented as dramatic and sensational, seeing what another person is seeing is more likely to occur in a very ordinary context.
Once my wife had gone to a nearby grocery to pick up a few items. After a half an hour went by I expected her to be home any minute. Well, another half hour went by and she wasn't home. So I was a little concerned. Another half hour went by and she still wasn't home, so I was getting very concerned. I decided to make a telepathic link with her by focusing on her.
I focused all my thoughts on her with the intent of knowing where she was at or what she was doing, primarily to know that she was okay. Within a few minutes I saw clothing items and the inside of a store. I could see her hands holding up some pants and then setting them back down again. At the Alpha level I felt a sense of calm and reassurance. When she came home she told me she had gone to the clothing store and was looking at some pants. Not quite as exciting as tracking a killer, but hey, it can come in handy. I should have called this, "Seeing What The Shopper Sees."
"The Empathic House Of Mirrors" (the Alpha of Delta) is the tricky Alpha level of visual language where the empathic messages are distortions of what a person is seeing based upon the emotional state he or she is experiencing. If someone is in a very happy state then the world looks beautiful and exciting. If the person feels depressed or disappointed the world can look menacing or ugly. If someone is afraid of water the beach could look very threatening. If someone loves chocolate a fudge brownie might be the most beautiful thing in the world at that moment.
At the Alpha level of visual language the quality and status of an image are your signals. Unless you are seeing what the other person is seeing this type of signal does not register very clearly. Where it does apply is my example of going to the movies with someone who does not like the movie. Since I am looking at the same thing they are looking at, the Alpha visual signal registers for me, and I can feel the same way about what I am seeing as the other person feels.
This level is a "empathic hall of mirrors" because you are receiving feelings from another persons viewpoint which gets entangled with your own viewpoint. It is hard to tell the difference between your own responses and those of the other person. The best way to sort the responses out is to ask the person. It is perfectly legitimate to ask questions during a reading in order to sort out empathic messages from mental noise. This helps refine the connection. If you are working at this level but not in a reading context, then ask yourself the question, " Is this my own response?".
Draw from all of your intuitive levels to answer the question then consciously acknowledge the answer. Each time you come to a confusing message then ask the question again. It is just like feeling your way through the House of Mirrors, looking for the doorways. Once you have sorted out the responses you are experiencing, then you can probe deeper into the information you are getting.
"The House of Mirrors Continues" (the Theta of Delta) as you move deeper in your empathic connection to others. Here in the Theta level of visual language you are still moving through images of your own thoughts that reflect the inner thoughts of the other person. To keep this level clear just remember: When people are thinking about what it is they are seeing, those thoughts become signals. If the person I am with is thinking," This movie makes no sense," and I receive that signal, then I begin to think," This movie makes no sense." At the same time this happens, I am aware that the movie makes sense to me, but I have picked up the other person's thought that in turn shaped how I saw the same event.
At this level it is not the thought you measure but the influence of the thought on your perceptions. It is a very subtle distinction that you do not need to worry about, just keep in mind. Dreamtongue is the basis of a new technology and this lesson is simply for outlining the parts of that technology for future reference. When you are actively functioning as an Empath you will be experiencing more of an unbroken flow rather than all these distinct parts. Learning the components of Dreamtongue only helps strengthen your unbroken flow.
"The Empathic Dream Connection" (the Delta of Delta) occurs at the Delta level of visual language. This Delta/Delta level involves a fairly rare form of empathic connection. A Delta signal of visual language is a empathic vision of another person's empathic vision. This would happen if two people are seeing the same object and event by remote viewing at the same time. Yet it would be difficult to establish if each person were having an independent remote viewing or if one was seeing the inner vision of another.
I do not have a real life example of this process but there was a Hollywood example once, in a movie from the late seventies. I will not describe it here but if you are interested in hearing this example just post a request. What is more likely to occur at this level sounds even more fantastic and that is: two people having the same dream together at the same time.
Theta is the primary level of dreams but Delta involves even deeper forms of dreaming. About fifteen years ago I had an intense experience with this phenomenon. A girl that I liked very much and had very strong feelings for, was about to leave the country. I had never really expressed my feelings to her. She was going back to her native country and was not planning to return. For different reasons I was unable to get to her in time to say good-bye.
One night after she had already made it back home, I had an amazingly vivid dream. In this dream I met her on a downtown street. The image of the street and area of town was clear and extremely lifelike. In the dream we hugged, cried, and said our good-byes. In the dream I told her my real feelings for her and she did the same. It was an overwhelmingly emotional dream. We held each other tightly afraid to let go but, as dreams go, I awoke.
Within days I sent her a letter and told her all about the dream. Before the letter had time to even get to her, I received a letter from her. In that letter she told me all about having the exact same dream. She described it exactly as I had described it. When she got my letter she immediately wrote back saying how amazed she was at what had happened and how our letters had crossed in the mail. This is one example of connecting through Delta visual language.
"Spirit Vision" (the Gamma of Delta) is the Gamma level of visual language and it involves seeing symbolic spiritual imagery about a person. Sometimes people claim to see a guardian angel, a spirit guide, or a spiritual design within a persons aura. Holographic images from Gamma frequently appear in visual forms of some sort. Whether or not there are actual guardian angels or spirit guides remains a personal decision for each individual Empath to decide.
Images of a persons past incarnations can appear at this level as well. Information about the persons past can appear through the Gamma level of visual language. To work with the Gamma level of visual language requires a comfort and an interest in symbols, myths, and creative expressions. I have written a small book I use in spiritual awakening classes called, "The Auroraportes." It is written in Dreamtongue using the Gamma level of visual language as the focal point. It conveys the dynamic influence of symbolism in our search for meaning. Symbolism that occurs deep within this level of a psyche is rich with powerful information.
I later took the format of the Auroraportes and expanded it into a complete work that is now called "The Book of Storms." Once you tap into this level within yourself you will be able to do it with another person. When you work at this level with another person you are working with what constitutes spiritual guidance. Symbolic messages are holographic, which means they contain information about the whole person or their whole life. Symbols contain vast amounts of information in contrast to the limited information of literal messages. The word spiritual here does not imply any doctrines or dogma of any sort. I use the word spiritual to refer to the overall quality of someone's life.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Section 8.3: The Language Of Theta

Interpreting Dreamtongue

Section 3: The Language Of Theta

Theta Language is the actual mental content of a person, your basic mind reading stuff. Where Alpha is the emotional/psychological state that results from the mental content. Some would say that the emotional/psychological state causes the content but we do not need to debate psychology here. For the purposes of empath training, mental content and psychological states are treated as two different levels.
"Mind Talk" (the Beta of Theta) occurs at the Beta level of mental language and involves the thoughts a person is having about the present environment, the people and objects interacting with the person, and the person's present activity. There are many good opportunities for telepathy at this level. This is the level where you think about calling someone, then the phone rings and it is the person you were about to call. This is the level where you know someone's location and/or what the person is doing even though you are nowhere near at the time.
This is the level of common and frequent telepathy. The signals at this level are usually fairly strong since these signals come from present activity. When someone says, "read my mind," this is the level you are trying to access. The problem is that when someone says "read my mind," they are no longer sending out Beta mental signals because they stop and focus inside themselves. Once a person starts to focus within, that person starts sending out Alpha signals instead, which can only be "sensed" instead of "read".
When it comes to mind to mind communication at this level it is better for the person to pick a color or flavor and to hold that color or flavor in mind. The point is for the target to be experiencing that color or flavor. Once the target person is experiencing a color he or she will then be sending out a Beta signal of mental language. The signal is still not as strong as it would be during engagement in actual Beta activity.
"Reading Feelings" (the Alpha of Theta) occurs at the Alpha level of mental language, which involves the conscious thoughts a person is having about their own emotional feeling states. The more people are aware of their own emotional states the more control they may have over those states and the more integrated those states can be with their whole being.
I wanted to avoid the cliché here, but I cannot -- the more in touch people are with their own feelings, the more likely it is that the signals they send you about their emotional state is deliberate. This is not an absolute rule but rather a guideline. At the Alpha level of mental language you are more likely to pick up the emotional states of which the person is unaware and would not want for you to perceive.
In other words, if a person is deliberately sending you a signal about their emotional state, it may be a controlled or contrived message. For example, let's say you encounter someone who is hostile or competitive with you. For whatever reason that person does not want you to know about these feelings, so he or she deliberately projects signals of a calm, friendly, and pleasant nature. The signals being sent you are not the Alpha signals of mental language, instead they are contrived Beta signals. As an Empath you can sense that the signals are incongruent, or do not fit, with what you are sensing. What you are sensing are the actual Alpha signals of the person's mental language.
When people are unaware of a strong emotion they tend to send out Alpha signals of their mental language in obvious and empathic ways. If a person shows genuine interest in something you are doing, not only would that generate obvious signals but the thoughts the individual had about his or her own emotional state would generate Alpha signals of mental language. Someone could be thinking, "I really like this. It is very interesting," and in return, you get the mirrored telepathic response, "They really like this. They find it very interesting."
"The Direct Connection" (the Theta of Theta) is the level of direct telepathy, the Theta level of mental language. This is the level of mind to mind connection, or as I said earlier, nervous system to nervous system connection. This level involves the thoughts a person generates at any given time. This is the level where you are directly receiving the thoughts of the other person. How you encode and interpret those signals will be unique to you.
Often at this level, Dreamtongue occurs as thoughts in your own head. The person may start thinking about a musical seen the week before. Suddenly you start thinking about musicals too, but you may not think about the exact one. This could lead you to say something like, "Do you like musicals?" He or she could then say, "That's funny, I was just thinking about a musical I saw last week."
How many times has something like this happened to you? Thousands of people have shared these types of experiences with me over the years. This type of telepathy occurs all the time with people but often goes unrecognized.
"Visual Thoughts" (the Delta of Theta) occur at the Delta level of mental language. The empathic messages here involve what people are thinking about the things they are seeing. The signals do not directly involve the actual images themselves but instead involve the active thoughts the person is having. For example," It looks like a light is on in the house," or "This gift looks like a book." The word look does not have to be in the thought, it could be "There's that bag of pretzels I've been wanting." Sometimes telepathy at this level involves verbal descriptions of visual images, like the example of the person thinking about a giraffe while connecting to her friend at the zoo.
"Spiritual Questing" (the Gamma of Theta) is reflected in the Gamma level of mental language. This level of reading a person empathically involves perceiving the individual's thoughts around the meaning of life, philosophical questions, and spiritual understanding. Many of these thoughts are "unspoken" or unformed into clear thoughts.
Often if you pick up a Gamma signal of mental language it will occur to you as a question that the person has on a deep level. This type of signal normally comes by focusing and spending more time with the person, such as in a formal empathic reading. In classes where I teach empathic counseling, I emphasize this level because it reaches into the heart of what a person is really asking during a reading.
As you learn more about your own Gamma level, you will find your ability to reach the Gamma level of another person will improve tremendously.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Bottle Hopping ~ Energy Manipulation

 Bottle Hopping ~ Energy Manipulation

Bottle Hopping is a great way to practice energy manipulation. 

This idea, which isn't by any means new, came to me while at a 

Casino, when I lent a friend of mine one of my bottles for good 

luck. As she held the bottle, it became consumed with energy, 

this energy is exactly what people in Casinos harness every time

they win money at their favorite machines.

As an energy child, I've always tuned into other people's energy

and connected that way, whether people were aware of it or not. So I kept 

wondering  why I wasn't tapping into this energy. Shortly after our last three dollars, I went to 

the other side of the machines and won twenty seven dollars. It was then that I realized I had 

connected myself to the energy. 

The term BOTTLE HOPPING is how the energy will connect itself to you. If  I give a friend my 

bottle to carry for luck, meanwhile, I see someone else on a lucky streak and decide to give that 

person a bottle to carry, then I myself pull my bottle out and walk around as people do at Casinos 

when searching for machines, the energy will be easier for you to connect with because you've 

created an association between you and that energy.

The bottle isn't doing anything but reminding you that this winning energy is near by. It gives you

a way to decipher which energy to connect with, hence the name BOTTLE HOPPING. You can

critique this technique anyway you want, I do encourage it since it also helps you to connect with 

other people on an empathic level.

Thursday, February 20, 2014



 And just what the hell is the difference?

I realized long ago, that a fine line does exist between what we would call an empath on the edge, (for lack of a better term), and what we would call a psychopath.

Picture this;

 an empath who doesn't realize the nature of her existence is to be the opposite of the psychopath, has been numbing her emotions so she no longer feels them.

But first, lets examine some unique and similar characteristics between the empath and the psychopath.

#1 ~ Both possess high levels of intuition.

#2 ~ Both are able to 'read people' very deeply even though only one of them is actually emotionally connecting with the other person.

#3 ~ Both are very gifted at human manipulation but only one of them has mastered this art by carrying out these acts.


So, how does the psychopath connect with people on a psychic level? I think this would involve telepathy, drawn out by asking too many stupid questions, or maybe not.

Just because the emotion-lacking psychopath can't connect with the emotions of the victim, doesn't mean he can't tell what these emotions look like and how to use them for HIS OR HER advantage..

Now lets get back to the empath on the edge, she has done her best to rid herself of the dreaded emotions that she cannot stand, she has withdrawn herself from society and is now in the exact same frame of mind as the natural born psychopath. (thought I'd add some drama, lol)

So, one more time, I ask you again; what is the difference? I have been manipulated by family members before, and just what did that person have over my head? Nothing at all. Except for being assertive. Or the lack there of.

The only way for me to stop being a victim was to start being assertive. In order for this to happen, I would have to expose my own raw emotions to myself. I would have to feel them.

This would involve embarrassment, tears and anger, (the grand finale) but as long as I would  just go with it and ride it out, it'll be okay. Anger was always put last on the list because it was the only emotion that I didn't feel all the time in myself.

In other words, DON'T BE AFRAID OF YOUR EMOTIONS!!! IT'S OKAY IF YOU CRY, OR IF YOU TREMBLE. Because the final stage is anger, that final release. The emotion empaths are not privy too. Just let go and give in to your emotions, they are powerful and will give you strength once you get past the initial shock.

We all need to unleash anger sometimes and oops, it just might be directed at someone else, but there is no better way to have control over the psychopathic, narcissistic, sociopathic douche bags in this world.

You may be still trying to find that fine line I mentioned earlier, either way, my entire point to this article is this; DO NOT LET AMERICAN SOCIETY SPOIL YOUR EMPATHIC ABILITY.

If you want to see something innocent turn to rotten, just hand it to our society. My point is this, I had to teach myself to block out bad people, I've even stopped myself from telling one person in particular EXACTLY WHO SHE TRULY WAS ON THE INSIDE, (a Moses Lake, Washington Person) because I know she couldn't have been able to handle a full dose of reality delivered by me. 

I sensed that she would have taken her own life. I even told myself I could live with that, but I have made a promise that if we are judged after death, I don't want that on my permanent record with God.